
Effortless – Free Tailwind CSS Website Template

Effortless – Free Tailwind CSS Website Template

Effortless is your go-to solution for crafting a sleek and modern landing page with minimal effort. Key Features: Sticky Menu: Navigate with ease as the sticky menu ensures your main navigation is always accessible, providing a smooth and user-friendly experience. Hero Section: Make a bold first impression with a captivating hero section, perfect for highlighting your key message or product. Features Section: Showcase the unique features and benefits of your product or service in a clean and organized manner, helping to convey your value proposition effectively. Client Testimonials Swiper Slider: Build trust with potential customers by displaying real client testimonials…
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This memo from 'The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: From Zero to Expert!' on Udemy. const header = document.querySelector('.header'); const navHeight = nav.getBoundingClientRect().height; const stickyNav = function (entries) { const [entry] = entries; // entries[0] if (!entry.isIntersecting) nav.classList.add('sticky'); else nav.classList.remove('sticky'); }; const headerObserver = new IntersectionObserver(stickyNav, { root: null, threshold: 0, rootMargin: `-${navHeight}px`, }); headerObserver.observe(header); Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Bad way(The performance of the app on mobile devices is affected by the firing of an event on every scroll.) const initialCoords = section1.getBoundingClientRect() window.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) { console.log(window.scrollY); if(window.scrollY > nav.classList.add('sticky'); else nav.classList.remove('sticky') }) const obsCallback = function (entries,…
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5 Essential Tips and Tricks for Mastering Next.js

5 Essential Tips and Tricks for Mastering Next.js

Hello, my gorgeous friends on the internet! In today’s blog, we’re diving into five essential tips and tricks for working with Next.js. There’s still a lot of confusion around topics like caching, rendering client components, and more, so I’m here to give you some valuable insights to make your Next.js development smoother and more efficient. Now, let’s get into the tips! Tip 1: Handling Images in Next.js Local ImagesOne common area of confusion in Next.js is handling images, particularly the differences between local and remote images. For local images stored in the public folder, you don’t need to specify width…
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Getting my feet wet with Kubernetes

Getting my feet wet with Kubernetes

Recently, I’ve spent some time playing around with Kubernetes (K8s). Having never used it before, I gave it my humble first try. I used it as part of a project where I wanted to use self host some tools on a VPS and write some server code for some life automations and potentially a blog in the future. You can find the Github Repo for the project at the time of writing for it here. Did I need to use K8s? Nope. Should I have used K8s? Probably not. My situation and setup really doesn’t call for K8s nor does…
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0x00. Shell, navigation

0x00. Shell, navigation

File System Organization Like Windows, the files on a Linux system are arranged in what is called a hierarchical directory structure. This means that they are organized in a tree-like pattern of directories (called folders in other systems), which may contain files and subdirectories. The first directory in the file system is called the root directory. The root directory contains files and subdirectories, which contain more files and subdirectories and so on and so on. The basic three commands include: pwd (print working directory) cd (change directory) ls (list files and directories). pwd The directory we are standing in is…
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Connecting ServiceNow to Jira

Connecting ServiceNow to Jira

Creating a seamless integration for automatic bug reporting Introduction: In this guide, we'll walk through the process of integrating ServiceNow's Automated Test Framework (ATF) with Jira. This integration enables automatic bug reporting whenever a test case fails, streamlining the communication between testing and development teams. While this is a personalized approach, it can be adapted to integrate Jira with other functionalities of ServiceNow. Understanding the Workflow: Identifying Triggers: We'll set up a business rule in ServiceNow to trigger whenever a test case fails. This rule will be activated when a new entry is inserted in the sys_atf_test_result table indicating a…
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What Has Tech Done For You

What Has Tech Done For You

I wanted to be a philosopher, I loved the mystical lifestyle of Aristotle and Plato and how they questioned everything. Imagine how innovative and powerful their minds were. I wanted to create logical thoughts. But during one of my lectures at college, I got an eureka moment. I felt the need to not just think through problems but create solutions. I looked around what problem could I solve and the problem of finding easy rentals for students came up. I figured if students could rent houses in time and with little budget it would save them a lot. Building the…
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How to Quickly Learn Programming Languages

How to Quickly Learn Programming Languages

Learning a new programming language can be both exciting and challenging. As a computer engineering graduate, I've navigated this path multiple times. Here are some practical strategies, enhanced with examples and personal insights, to help you learn a new programming language quickly and efficiently. 1. Overcoming Attachment to Your Comfort Zone One of the biggest hurdles many developers face is their attachment to a language they are already proficient in. This attachment can make it hard to embrace a new language. Developers often try to accomplish tasks using their familiar language instead of learning a new one that might be…
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How to Create a Window Server Virtual Machine and install and IIS Web server role on the VM

How to Create a Window Server Virtual Machine and install and IIS Web server role on the VM

In this article we will be creating a virtual machine and also we wuill install an IIS weber sever role on the virtual machine. Lets Begin Search for Virtual Machine and select Virtual machine Click on +create on your extreme left Select Azure Virtual Machine from the options. Under project details for resource group click on Create New and give it a name (make it a special name or name of a project) Under the Instance details give your virtual machine a name of your choice. Select a region of your choice Select the availability zones (this is dependent on…
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SQL generation: Golang’s builder pattern vs Clojure’s persistent map

SQL generation: Golang’s builder pattern vs Clojure’s persistent map

I worked on a TODO code assignment for showing off my skills, and more importantly, showing my weak points. I coded in Golang and Masterminds/squirrel. Later, I ported only the SQL generation part to Clojure to compare and discuss why I prefer Clojure, which I have usually been asked about or even met with opposition for. I will discuss function by function and type by type. The first function is makeStatement. func (repo *TodoRepoPg) makeStatement(orders []entity.Order, filters []entity.Filter) (string, []any, error) { builder := repo.Builder.Select("id, title, description, created, image, status") if err := buildOrders(&builder, orders); err != nil { return…
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