
The BigInteger and BigDecimal Classes

The BigInteger and BigDecimal Classes

The BigInteger and BigDecimal classes can be used to represent integers or decimal numbers of any size and precision. If you need to compute with very large integers or high-precision floating-point values, you can use the BigInteger and BigDecimal classes in the java.math package. Both are immutable. The largest integer of the long type is Long.MAX_VALUE (i.e., 9223372036854775807). An instance of BigInteger can represent an integer of any size. You can use new BigInteger(String) and new BigDecimal(String) to create an instance of BigInteger and BigDecimal, use the add, subtract, multiply, divide, and remainder methods to perform arithmetic operations, and use…
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What is cloud computing ?

What is cloud computing ?

In simple words, cloud computing is delivery of resource, IT environments that enable on-demand services like computing, storage, networking, which can be accessed over the Internet using a cloud provider. Advantages of Cloud Computing Agility Being able to implement technology services in a short time, being able to expand activities to new geographic regions. ElasticityYou provision the amount of resources actually needed, being able to increase or decrease the amount of resources that will be needed. Cost savingsExpenses are equivalent only to the IT consumed Types of Cloud Computing (IaaS) = infrastructure as a serviceInstead of physically purchasing and managing…
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How to Create Your Own Memes Generator Project

How to Create Your Own Memes Generator Project

Project:- 3/500 Meme Generator Project Description The Meme Generator project is a web-based application that allows users to create their own memes. Users can upload images or provide image URLs, add custom text to the top and bottom of the image, adjust text size, and export the final meme as a PNG file. Features Image Upload: Upload an image from your local system. Image URL: Use an image from the web by providing its URL. Custom Text: Add and edit custom text at the top and bottom of the image. Text Styling: Adjust the font size of the text. Export…
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The long path of JavaScript – from ES6 until today.

The long path of JavaScript – from ES6 until today.

According to a Stack Overflow survey, JavaScript was the most popular language among developers in 2023. JavaScript was initially developed for Netscape Navigator - a web browser that was developed in the middle of 1990s - and now is being used in almost every domain of programming - Web Development, Mobile app development, Game development, Machine Learning and many others. But how did a language which was developed in 10 days by Brendan Eich become so popular? In this article, we will go through the life of JavaScript from ES6, which was released in 2015 and was the second major…
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Training Diffusion Models with  Reinforcement Learning

Training Diffusion Models with Reinforcement Learning

Training Diffusion Models with Reinforcement Learning replay Diffusion models have recently emerged as the de facto standard for generating complex, high-dimensional outputs. You may know them for their ability to produce stunning AI art and hyper-realistic synthetic images, but they have also found success in other applications such as drug design and continuous control. The key idea behind diffusion models is to iteratively transform random noise into a sample, such as an image or protein structure. This is typically motivated as a maximum likelihood estimation problem, where the model is trained to generate samples that match the training data as closely as…
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Rethinking the Role of PPO in RLHF

Rethinking the Role of PPO in RLHF

Rethinking the Role of PPO in RLHF TL;DR: In RLHF, there’s tension between the reward learning phase, which uses human preference in the form of comparisons, and the RL fine-tuning phase, which optimizes a single, non-comparative reward. What if we performed RL in a comparative way? Figure 1: This diagram illustrates the difference between reinforcement learning from absolute feedback and relative feedback. By incorporating a new component - pairwise policy gradient, we can unify the reward modeling stage and RL stage, enabling direct updates based on pairwise responses. Large Language Models (LLMs) have powered increasingly capable virtual assistants, such as…
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