
The best ergonomic keyboards for 2024

The best ergonomic keyboards for 2024

Spending hours at a computer can be rough on your body. If your wrists, shoulders, neck or other areas have started complaining, you might want to get an ergonomic keyboard. The ergonomic design shifts the position of your arms and wrists, which, for some, can relieve tension and strain. After using a fully split keyboard for a number of months, I feel an improvement in my shoulder tension. But split boards come with a learning curve. Semi-split, or Alice boards, are easier to get used to while still opening up space between your elbows. Other factors, like tenting and a…
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cy.get('select').select('Option 1'); cy.get('input').type('Hello, World!'); cy.get('input').clear(); // 输入值后按 Enter 键 cy.get('input').type('Hello, World!{enter}'); cy.get('input[type="checkbox"]').check(); cy.get('input[type="checkbox"]').uncheck(); // 单选按钮 cy.get('input[type="radio"]').check('radioValue'); // 触发自定义事件 cy.get('input').trigger('mouseover'); // .contains() 方法查找包含特定文本的元素 cy.contains('Submit').click(); Source link lol
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About Columnar storage in Manticore Search

About Columnar storage in Manticore Search

Introduction In this article, we will examine the purpose of Manticore Columnar storage, how it differs from the row-wise storage, and in which cases it makes sense to use it. We will also get acquainted with the basic structure of the storage format and the specifics of its integration into the query processing workflow of the search daemon. Default Attribute storage (row-wise) In Manticore, there are two distinct entities: full-text fields, which support only full-text queries, and attributes of various types, which can be used for grouping, sorting, and filtering. Default storage engine (engine="rowwise") stores all attributes of all documents…
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VSCode Tip 3: Leverage the Integrated Terminal

VSCode Tip 3: Leverage the Integrated Terminal

The integrated terminal in VSCode is a powerful tool that allows you to run command-line tools from within the editor, enhancing your productivity by reducing context switching. How to Use the Integrated Terminal: Open the Terminal: Use the shortcut Ctrl +(backtick) on Windows/Linux orCmd + `` on Mac. Alternatively, go to the top menu and select View > Terminal. Multiple Terminals: You can open multiple terminals and switch between them using the dropdown menu in the terminal panel. Use the + icon to open a new terminal and the trash can icon to close a terminal. Split Terminals: Click the…
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Let’s Talk About Power Apps Test Studio

Let’s Talk About Power Apps Test Studio

The Test Studio for Power Apps has been around now for a couple of years, I was so excited when it launched, but I realised recently, I never use it. So I wanted to look into exactly why, and do my usual what works and where it fails, but just in case you don't know about it let me give you a brief intro. What is Test studio Test studio is designed to be a automated testing tool. You can create or record steps of an interaction within a Power App. You can then test to see if each step…
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Why do Frontend and Backend developers use Docker

Why do Frontend and Backend developers use Docker

Imagine you're building a simple to-do list app. It seems straightforward: a frontend to display tasks and a backend to store them. But let’s dive deeper and consider the following tech stack: Tech Stack #1 Frontend: Reactjs, Vite, CSS Preprocessor Backend: Nodejs, API Server Database: Mongo, Mongo Express The frontend, let's say, is a React app. It requires Vite, CSS Preprocessor and a specific React version. The backend, a Nodejs app, needs Node, API Server, a database (like MySQL/Postgres), and a few libraries. These are just the basics. Tech Stack #2 Frontend: Reactjs, Vite, CSS Preprocessor Backend: Nodejs, API Server…
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Default interface methods no C#

Default interface methods no C#

Interfaces com métodos padrões se trata da capacidade de adicionar assinaturas de métodos em uma interface com um corpo definido (com um comportamento padrão ou mesmo um corpo vazio) fazendo com que as classes que implementam essa interface não tenham a obrigatoriedade de implementar esse novo método adicionado na interface. Imagine o seguinte cenário genérico: Temos uma interface IAnimal que contém métodos comuns que simulam comportamentos comuns de todos os animais. public interface IAnimal { void MakeSound(); void Eat(); void Sleep(); } Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Temos 3 classes que representam animais terrestres e que implementam a interface…
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Radio Asteral Frontend Design

Radio Asteral Frontend Design

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.07.24, CSS Art: Recreation. Inspiration HTML Code `<!DOCTYPE html> Wave AnimationRadioAsteral <div class="circles"> <div class="circles_circle circle1"></div> <div class="circles_circle circle2"></div> <div class="circles_circle circle3"></div> <div class="gradint-color"> <div class="innercolor1"></div> <div class="innercolor2"></div> <div class="innercolor3"></div> </div> <div class="circleshadow"> <div class="gradint-color"> <div class="innercolor1"></div> <div class="innercolor2"></div> <div class="innercolor3"></div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <script src=""></script> ` CSS Code `.menu {display: flex;position: fixed;left: 0;top: 0;width: 100vw;z-index: 10;background: black;height: 100px;opacity: 1;align-items: center;} .logoname h2 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);opacity: 1;z-index: 11;font-size: 2.5rem;margin-left: 50px;margin-top: 30px;align-items: center;font-weight: 800;font-style: normal;letter-spacing: 0.2em;} .circles {border: none;background-color: #000;min-height: 100vh;left: 50%;overflow: hidden;position: absolute;top: 50%;transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);width: 100vw;z-index: 1;}…
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I finally understand the hype around the Playdate game Root Bear

I finally understand the hype around the Playdate game Root Bear

is one of those all the time to new Playdate owners looking for somewhere to start. After months of encountering the title on the internet and vaguely wondering what could be so great about a game where all you do is pour root beer for bears, I finally decided to give it a go this weekend. And, yup, I totally get it now. Root Bear is ridiculously fun — emphasis on ridiculous.Root Bear is a $3 Catalog game in which your goal is to achieve the perfect pour from the root beer tap while picky customers (all bears, of course)…
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Exploring Java’s Stream API

Exploring Java’s Stream API

Introduction: Java's Stream API is a powerful feature that was introduced in Java 8. It allows developers to efficiently process collections of objects by providing a set of functional-style operations. Streams have become extremely popular among Java developers due to their ability to write concise and expressive code. In this article, we will explore the various advantages, disadvantages, and features of Java's Stream API. Advantages: One of the biggest advantages of Java's Stream API is its ability to process large datasets with ease. Streams use lazy evaluation, which means they only process elements when they are actually needed, thus making…
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