
#29 — Group an Excel table and Store It as Multiple Files According to Part of The Values of Specified Cells

#29 — Group an Excel table and Store It as Multiple Files According to Part of The Values of Specified Cells

Problem description & analysis:The Excel table below is ordered by column A, whose values are strings separated by “-”. The first part of column A represents the category. Task: Store the table as multiple tab-separated txt files according to different categories. The file name format is Group_Category.txt.Group_AA.txt Group_BB.txt Group_CC.txt Solution:Use SPL IDE to execute the code: =T@b("data.xlsx").group(#1.split("-")(1);~).(T@b("Group_" / #1 / ".txt": #2)) Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Explanation:The T()function reads files as a table and writes a table to files; @ b means that column names are not included. group() function groups rows according to the specified rule and…
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10 Common Mistakes Beginners Make

10 Common Mistakes Beginners Make

IntroductionStarting a career in software development is both exciting and challenging. While learning to code is crucial, understanding common pitfalls can help new developers navigate their journey more effectively. In this article, we will explore ten common mistakes that beginner software developers make and provide tips on how to avoid them. 1. Not Asking for HelpMany beginners feel intimidated about asking for help, fearing it might make them seem less competent. However, seeking assistance is a vital part of learning. Experienced developers, mentors, and even online communities can provide valuable insights and solutions to problems that might take hours to…
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Open Source C++ Stack

Open Source C++ Stack

C++ is often labeled as "unsafe" and "complex," but I find these critiques unjustified. My experience working on major projects like Chromium, Node, and gRPC — each a non-trivial codebase deployed on millions of devices, both virtual and physical, and subject to rigorous scrutiny—has shown me the true power and reliability of C++. Let's not forget the remarkable engineering feats made possible by C++, such as Unreal Engine. Even Linux and Git, both written in C (arguably even less "safe" than C++), stand as testaments to the robust potential of these languages. There is a trick to writing C++ code…
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Group Rows and Concatenate Cell Values

Group Rows and Concatenate Cell Values

Problem description & analysis: Here is a categorized detail table: We need to group the table and concatenate the detail data using the semicolon. Solution: Use SPL XLL to do this: =spl("=E@b(?.groups(~1;concat(~2;$[;])))",A2:B9) Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode As shown in the picture below: Explanation: E@b function converts the two-dimensional table to a sequence. ~1 represents the first sub-member of the current member; and $[] represents a string. Source link lol
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Python Decorators: What is decorators and how to use them?

Python Decorators: What is decorators and how to use them?

Decorators are a powerful and versatile tool that allows you to modify the behavior of functions without permanently altering their original code. They work by wrapping a function in another function, which adds some extra functionality before or after the original function executes. What they are: Decorators are higher-order functions, meaning they take another function as an argument and return a new function. The new function returned by the decorator typically acts as a wrapper around the original function, adding or modifying its behavior. How they work: Defining the Decorator: You create a function that takes another function as its…
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Kdash – a true opensource K8s micro IDE

Kdash – a true opensource K8s micro IDE

although there are multiple CLI GUI ide's for Kubernetes , NONE yet remained open source for the long run, KDash will remain opensourced till aliens come in touch ... promise , so star! , Fork! , share ! get your community involved , we wish to get your feedback and PRs Source link lol
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3 Amazing Productivity Apps for Linux

3 Amazing Productivity Apps for Linux

I use Ubuntu 24.04 as my daily driver on my main laptop and these are some of the best native Linux apps that I use on a daily basis. 1. Iotas Iotas is a note taking application for Linux distributions that is available in the Ubuntu repositories or as a Flatpak that you can download from Flathub. It's the Linux equivalent of Apple Notes for me, it doesn't have all of the features but is enough for me. Iotas allows you to write in plain text as well as markdown and offers an editing and viewing mode to see how…
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Working on Something You Hate for 7 Years – How to Escape a Professional Crisis

Working on Something You Hate for 7 Years – How to Escape a Professional Crisis

Have you ever found yourself with a feeling of emptiness, feeling some kind of melancholy that you can't explain? If the answer is yes, let me tell you that I have felt it too, and it hasn't been easy to turn it off. In this post, I want to share the personal and professional crisis that I'm going through and the things that I'm doing to escape it. Before continuing, let me tell you that I know how crazy this story is going to sound and how hard it is to believe it, but it's mine and it's the only…
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