
while loop

while loop

Loop - это Петля. while - это цикл который повторяет выполнение кода пока заданное условие остаётся true. Если false то оно закачивается. Пример кода: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int number = 1; while (number <= 5) { cout << "Numbers: " << number << endl; number++; } return 0; } Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Обьяснение код: Цикл выводит значение переменой number начиная с 1. number++ - значение увеличивается на 1. Как только number стоновится больше 5 number <= 5 стоновится False и цикл зовершается. Source link lol
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My notes on the OpenGL ES hello world triangle

My notes on the OpenGL ES hello world triangle

Table of contents What is this blog post? What is open gl es? What is a vertex? What is a vertex shader? What is a fragment? What is a fragment shader? Shader and Program objects Resources My app on the Google play store What is this blog post? What is open gl es? As it open gl es is just a wrapper around open gl to make it more efficient for mobile/memory limited devices What is a vertex? A vertex is nothing more than a coordinate in a 2d or 3d space. So each point on a tringle is considered…
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Tree ( DSA – 8 )

Tree ( DSA – 8 )

Tree is a hierarchical data structure that consists of nodes connected by edges. It is a non-linear structure, which means that unlike arrays, linked lists, stacks, or queues, elements are not arranged in a sequential manner. Basic Concepts: Root:The topmost node in the tree. There is exactly one root node in a tree.Nodes: Basic units of a tree containing data and references to other nodes.Edges: Links between nodes, showing the relationship from parent to child.Parent: A node that has one or more child nodes.Child: A node that has a parent node.Leaf/Terminal node: A node that does not have any children.Subtree:…
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Best C/C++ IDEs 2024: Top 10 Picks for Developers

Best C/C++ IDEs 2024: Top 10 Picks for Developers

C++ is high performance, compiled and general purpose programming language So, every developer knows C and C++. Also it was the first programming language for beginners. But the thing is, For writing code and highlighting in programming language is necessary, Specifically for better code reading and understanding as well as structuring code. So, How can we achieve this functionality?? Using IDEs Like Visual Studio Code, CLion, Eclipse, Code::Blocks and many more IDEs supports all the developers requirements. Also it come with extra tools like Git, Debugging, Etc. Today In this article, I want to share Top 10 IDEs for C…
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Understanding and Implementing Static Arrays

Understanding and Implementing Static Arrays

Important Takeaways Arrays allow us to keep track of lists of data of the same type (e.g., a list of numbers, strings, chars, etc.). There are two types of arrays: static and dynamic. This article focuses on static arrays. Static arrays require knowing the size at compile time, while dynamic arrays allow setting the size at runtime. Arrays can have any number of dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D, etc.), and each dimension can have any size, limited by the computer’s memory. For loops are the most appropriate structure to iterate over an array. Note that array indexes start at 0, not…
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Open Source C++ Stack

Open Source C++ Stack

C++ is often labeled as "unsafe" and "complex," but I find these critiques unjustified. My experience working on major projects like Chromium, Node, and gRPC — each a non-trivial codebase deployed on millions of devices, both virtual and physical, and subject to rigorous scrutiny—has shown me the true power and reliability of C++. Let's not forget the remarkable engineering feats made possible by C++, such as Unreal Engine. Even Linux and Git, both written in C (arguably even less "safe" than C++), stand as testaments to the robust potential of these languages. There is a trick to writing C++ code…
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C++ Best Practices : Naming Conventions

C++ Best Practices : Naming Conventions

There are various popular naming conventions which are common among various languages, the relevance of these conventions comes from , the legacy which they hold and other factors like readability, purpose, programming cababilities, for example , we most follow camelcase for java, for c++ which comes with great capabilities, we use lowercase with underscores, most of the time. why important ? there are two main advantage which comes with this, consistency in the code base - especially you are contributing open source. readability - with common coding style and following it becomes easy for you to understand the code. C++…
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