
Atomic Design: UI Kit Strategy

Atomic Design: UI Kit Strategy

The Concept of Atomic Design applied to a frontend package What is Atomic Design Atomic Design is a methodology for creating design systems in a hierarchical structure, starting from the simplest elements (atoms) to more complex structures (molecules and organisms). This approach allows designers to build consistent, scalable, and reusable components for user interfaces. By treating parts of the UI as part of a larger whole, Atomic Design streamlines the development process, ensuring a more efficient and cohesive design system that can be easily maintained and scaled over time. Pros: Access components from different packages shared within the T&I team…
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React is Good, but Angular Takes My Heart

React is Good, but Angular Takes My Heart

Understanding the Key Differences That Make Angular Stand Out. In the ever-evolving world of web development, two giants often come head-to-head: React and Angular. Both have their strengths, but after working extensively with both, I find myself leaning towards Angular. Here’s why Angular takes my heart, despite React’s undeniable capabilities. Structured FrameworkAngular’s robust framework provides a comprehensive solution right out of the box. Unlike React, which is more of a library that requires additional tools and libraries to manage state and routing, Angular offers a complete package. This includes tools for dependency injection, two-way data binding, and comprehensive routing. Example:…
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How to Fix the Annoying White Space Issue in iOS Safari: A Beginner’s Guide with Easy Solutions

How to Fix the Annoying White Space Issue in iOS Safari: A Beginner’s Guide with Easy Solutions

Have you ever been designing a website and been working on a flawless page when all of a sudden the iOS Safari keyboard appears? There it is—a large blank area that is not welcome on your page. You're not alone, though, if you're scratching your head as to why that is. Let's investigate this peculiar issue and work out a solution. What’s Going On? Imagine this: your user taps on a form field, and the virtual keyboard just magically appears. As it pushes up the content, a little pesky white space shows up at the bottom of the page. It's…
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[Roast: Day 5] – Creating flow using useState

[Roast: Day 5] – Creating flow using useState

Today it seemed that I’m not moving as quickly as I have the past few days. I started work today on the card that most of the user interaction happens with. And since this is the part I care the most about, this is also taking the most time! I spent a good couple of hours fighting with the form, trying to implement an animation for the form labels. I did eventually get it, but after working on it for so long, I feel like I need a bit of a break. Either way, I found a solution for the…
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Viewport height and width units in modern CSS

Viewport height and width units in modern CSS

As I keep encountering CSS codebases and theme definitions that solely use the traditional viewport units vh and vw, I thought about writing a blog post about the powerful tools we have on our disposal nowadays, that can make our lives easier and our CSS code better. The good old viewport units Long story short, for many years we've been using vh and vw to define something as percentage of the initial viewport height and width. For example, if we wanted to fill the entire viewport of all devices with green, we could do the following: .big-fat-green-element { background: green;…
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Asinxron "Asinxron" so'zi bir vaqtda bo'lmagan yoki bir vaqtda amalga oshirilmagan degan ma'noni anglatadi. Kompyuter dasturlashida asinxron kod deganda dastur bajarilishi davomida boshqa kodlar bilan parallel ravishda bajarilishi mumkin bo'lgan kod tushuniladi. Bu kodning bajarilishi natijasini kutish shart emas, ya'ni boshqa kodlar bajarilishini davom ettirishi mumkin. Sinxron kod: Har bir kod qatori ketma-ketlikda bajariladi. Bir qator tugamasa, keyingi qator boshlanmaydi. console.log('Birinchi'); console.log('Ikkinchi'); console.log('Uchinchi'); Asinxron kod: Ba'zi kod qatorlari bajarilishi vaqt talab qilishi mumkin, masalan, serverga so'rov yuborish yoki fayl o'qish. Bu jarayonlar tugaguniga qadar boshqa kodlar bajarilishi davom ettiriladi. console.log('Birinchi'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Ikkinchi'); }, 1000); // 1 soniyadan keyin…
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Explaining ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript

Explaining ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript

1. Global Context When used in the global context (outside of any function), this refers to the global object, which is window in browsers and global in Node.js.console.log(this); // In a browser, this logs the Window object 2. Function Context In a regular function, the value of this depends on how the function is called. a. Function InvocationWhen a function is called as a standalone function, this refers to the global object (in non-strict mode) or undefined (in strict mode). function foo() { console.log(this); } foo(); // In non-strict mode, logs the global object (Window in browsers) // In strict…
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I think the web is broken, or i am

I think the web is broken, or i am

Huhhm... (a sigh of lost hope) The world of a quiche eater isn't openly documented, well here is everything looming in my mind at-least just about howi think ui dev should be. Here is the backstory : I started my development journey by building android apps using DroidScript (a javascript framework), the issue is it's not cross-platform. NOTE : I refer to the native way of building ui. The native way looks something like this: function OnStart(){ let main = app.CreateLayout('linear','fillxy') let btn = app.AddButton(main, 'A simple Button', 0.8, -1) app.AddLayout(main) } Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode I've gotten…
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Como reutilizar sua UI

Como reutilizar sua UI

Basicamente todo mundo que conheço acaba criando componentes reutilizáveis para reaproveitar o trabalho feito. Essa é uma abstração enganosamente simples: é fácil criar um Button, mas é surpreendentemente difícil conseguir reutilizar ele em todos os casos de uso em um projeto. Eu aprendi algumas coisas com o passar dos anos, e vejo que várias pessoas acabam metendo o pé na jaca sem perceber. Quero compartilhar algumas dicas para evitar que algumas jacas sejam pisadas. Tenho um viés de React mas tudo pode ser aplicado em outros contextos, desde que tenha componentização da UI. 1) Evitar margens Colocar margens no seu…
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ReactJS vs. Angular: Which is better?

ReactJS vs. Angular: Which is better?

** Introduction **In the fast-paced world of frontend development, selecting the right framework or library can significantly impact your project's success. This article compares ReactJS and Angular, two popular choices, highlighting their differences, strengths, and some of the benefits. Also,have you heard of the HNG internship program?. I'll share my expectations and experiences in the HNG Internship program, where ReactJS plays a pivotal role. ** What is React? **React is a front-end JavaScript library used to build both reusable UI components and user interfaces. React offers flexibility and performance-based solutions due to its use of server-side rendering. It helps developers…
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