
Analyzing Algorithm Time Complexity

Analyzing Algorithm Time Complexity

This section analyzes the complexity of several well-known algorithms: binary search, selection sort, and Tower of Hanoi. Analyzing Binary Search The binary search algorithm presented in, searches for a key in a sorted array. Each iteration in the algorithm contains a fixed number of operations, denoted by c. Let T(n) denote the time complexity for a binary search on a list of n elements. Without loss of generality, assume n is a power of 2 and k = logn. Since a binary search eliminates half of the input after two comparisons, Ignoring constants and nondominating terms, the complexity of…
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Once You Touch It, You Own It!

Once You Touch It, You Own It!

While working for my last client, we needed to extend an existing feature. We had to import an Excel file with a list of guests into a group event. Think of importing all the guests to a wedding reception at a hotel. "You only have to add your changes to this existing component. It's already working." That was what our Product Owner told us. I bet you have heard that, too. The next thing we knew was that the "already-working" component had issues. The original team was laid off, and we couldn't get our questions answered or count on them…
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Using MongoDB on Docker

Using MongoDB on Docker

Introduction MongoDB is a widely popular NoSQL database today due to its simplicity and several advantages over relational databases. Through this guide, you'll learn how to quickly use MongoDB within Docker without going through many complex installation steps. Note that before starting, you need to have Docker installed on your machine. Starting MongoDB on Docker You just need to execute the following command: docker run -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=username -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v /data/db:/data/db -d mongo Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Explanation of the command: - -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=username -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password: Sets environment variables for MongoDB initialization. You can…
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How to upload Project on GitHub: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to upload Project on GitHub: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1 : Open your Github account Step 2 : Click on new repository Step 3 : Fill out the repository details Repository name: (e.g., project-name) Description: (optional) Public or Private: Choose based on your preference. Step 4 : Click "Create repository" Step 5 : Open Cmd and Navigate to your project directory Step 6 : tpye "git init" and hit enter Step 7 : tpye "git add . " and hit enter Step 8 : tpye 'git commit -m "anything" ' and hit enter Step 9 : Copy the repository URL After creating the repository you will see the…
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The Ultimate Guide to Node.js in 2024: Trends, Tools, and Best Practices

The Ultimate Guide to Node.js in 2024: Trends, Tools, and Best Practices

Node.js has become a cornerstone of backend development, known for its efficiency, scalability, and robust ecosystem. As we move into 2024, staying updated with the latest trends, tools, and best practices is essential for any Node.js developer. This guide covers everything you need to know about Node.js in 2024 to stay ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape. 1. Emerging Trends in Node.js Serverless ArchitectureServerless computing continues to gain popularity, enabling developers to build and deploy applications without managing servers. Services like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions allow for efficient, cost-effective scaling. Microservices ArchitectureMicroservices architecture breaks down applications…
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Fui commitar e deu branco. E agora?

Fui commitar e deu branco. E agora?

Esses dias, navegando no X, me deparei com a seguinte imagem E achei engraçado, porque eu e você provavelmente já nos vimos nessa situação: adicionamos os arquivos e ficamos literalmente travados pensando o que colocar de mensagem no commit. Muitas vezes os arquivos são em pastas e contextos diferentes, o que dificulta ainda mais a pensar em uma mensagem condizente. E é aí que mora o problema: Quando commitamos todos os arquivos com o famoso git add . fica muito difícil resumir em uma frase o que foi feito naquele commit. E você no fundo sabe que uma hora ou…
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Building My First Static Website

Building My First Static Website

Intro: I first became aware of a company website as important strategic tool when I took a marketing course, for big corporations like construction firms. One of the ideas that struck me with inspiration was over-comming my fear to build a static website, an actual one this time - for Toucsan:-). The initially very scary prospect of really turned into something where I learned so much in the months following doing it, that after all is said and done my taste for web development was greatly heightened. The Process: The process started with ideation - researching everything about Toucsan, their…
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Group Rows and Concatenate Cell Values

Group Rows and Concatenate Cell Values

Problem description & analysis: Here is a categorized detail table: We need to group the table and concatenate the detail data using the semicolon. Solution: Use SPL XLL to do this: =spl("=E@b(?.groups(~1;concat(~2;$[;])))",A2:B9) Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode As shown in the picture below: Explanation: E@b function converts the two-dimensional table to a sequence. ~1 represents the first sub-member of the current member; and $[] represents a string. Source link lol
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Vector and Stack Classes

Vector and Stack Classes

Vector is a subclass of AbstractList, and Stack is a subclass of Vector in the Java API. The Java Collections Framework was introduced in Java 2. Several data structures were supported earlier, among them the Vector and Stack classes. These classes were redesigned to fit into the Java Collections Framework, but all their old-style methods are retained forcompatibility. Vector is the same as ArrayList, except that it contains synchronized methods for accessing and modifying the vector. Synchronized methods can prevent data corruption when a vector is accessed and modified by two or more threads concurrently. For the many applications that…
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Ready to Dive into React? Let’s Build Your First App!

Ready to Dive into React? Let’s Build Your First App!

So you're ready to learn React, the powerful JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces! That's awesome. But before we start building fancy components, we need a solid foundation. Let's get your first React app up and running! 1. Node.js and npm (or yarn): Your Development Tools Think of Node.js as the engine that powers your React app, and npm (or yarn) as the toolbox. You need both! Get Node.js: Head to and download the installer for your operating system. This comes with npm, the package manager you'll use to install React and other tools. Verify Your Installation: Open…
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