
What is cloud computing ?

What is cloud computing ?

In simple words, cloud computing is delivery of resource, IT environments that enable on-demand services like computing, storage, networking, which can be accessed over the Internet using a cloud provider. Advantages of Cloud Computing Agility Being able to implement technology services in a short time, being able to expand activities to new geographic regions. ElasticityYou provision the amount of resources actually needed, being able to increase or decrease the amount of resources that will be needed. Cost savingsExpenses are equivalent only to the IT consumed Types of Cloud Computing (IaaS) = infrastructure as a serviceInstead of physically purchasing and managing…
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Exception In java and hierarchy

Exception In java and hierarchy

While trying to understand the concept of exception in java , it becomes necessary to understand the hierarchy of exceptions becauce we can see a famous interview question from exception hierarchy in java developer interview. suppose we have a parent class with a method that throws IO exception , also there is a sub class that overrides the method of parent class throws FileNotFoundException , will this code works fine or not? The answer is no because in Java the overridden method in the subclass cannot throw a broader or more general exception than the method in the parent class.…
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Azure Core Services are the primary offerings of Microsoft Azure. Services refer to individual offerings or capabilities provided by CSPs.Solutions are integrated packages that bring together multiple services to solve a specific need. COMPUTE Azure Compute is a cloud computing service that offers a range of services and features to support various computing needs, from virtual machines to serverless and containerized applications, enabling users to build, deploy, and manage applications and workloads in the cloud.With Azure Compute, users can: run applications and workloads in the cloud—provides a range of options for running applications and workloads, including: Virtual Machines (VMs) Container…
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How to create GraphQL API in Nest JS? Step by Step guidelines!

How to create GraphQL API in Nest JS? Step by Step guidelines!

Creating a GraphQL API in NestJS involves several steps. Here's a step-by-step theoretical guide: Step 1: Setup a New NestJS Project Install Nest CLI: npm install -g @nestjs/cli Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Create a New Project: nest new project-name Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Navigate to the Project Directory: cd project-name Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Step 2: Install GraphQL and Apollo Server Install Required Packages: npm install @nestjs/graphql graphql apollo-server-express Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Step 3: Configure GraphQL Module Create a GraphQL Module Configuration: Open src/app.module.ts and configure the GraphQL module: import {…
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Higher Order Components (HOC) React

Higher Order Components (HOC) React

const UpdatedComponent = (Original Component) => { class NewComponent extends React.Component { constructor(){ this.state = { ... } } render(){ return( <OriginalComponent props/> ); } } return NewComponent; }; class OGComponent extends React.Component{ ... //available via (this.props..) } export default UpdatedComponent(OGComponent); Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Source link lol
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Smart contracts privados con Solidity y Circom

Smart contracts privados con Solidity y Circom

ZK nos permite hacer aplicaciones con datos y ejecución privada. Esto abre la puerta a muchos nuevos casos de uso, como el que crearemos en esta guía: un sistema de votación anónimo y seguro combinando Circom y Solidity. Circom y dependencias Si aún no tienes circom, instálalo con los comandos a continuación. Yo estoy usando node v20 pero debería funcionar con otras versiones. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh git clone cd circom cargo build --release cargo install --path circom npm install -g snarkjs Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode También vamos a ocupar las librerías de…
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How to Create Your Own Memes Generator Project

How to Create Your Own Memes Generator Project

Project:- 3/500 Meme Generator Project Description The Meme Generator project is a web-based application that allows users to create their own memes. Users can upload images or provide image URLs, add custom text to the top and bottom of the image, adjust text size, and export the final meme as a PNG file. Features Image Upload: Upload an image from your local system. Image URL: Use an image from the web by providing its URL. Custom Text: Add and edit custom text at the top and bottom of the image. Text Styling: Adjust the font size of the text. Export…
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Perl Weekly #671 – In-person and online events

Perl Weekly #671 – In-person and online events

Originally published at Perl Weekly 671 Hi there! Last week I included an entry about the Getting started with Docker for Perl developers workshop I am going to run on June 13. This is part of a series of free virtual workshops I started to offer via the Code Mavens Meetup group. If things go well I'll run workshops for 3 languages: Perl, Python, and Rust and several related technologies. I've already schedule 3 events for Rust, 2 for Python, and 1 for Perl. Now, to plan ahead, I scheduled another Perl event: Continuous Integration (CI): GitHub Actions for Perl…
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Load Testing Solium Infernum with Docker, Kubernetes and Enemy AI

Load Testing Solium Infernum with Docker, Kubernetes and Enemy AI

Load testing a video game is a critical part of the development process if you have any intention of building online systems into your game. As we’ve seen many times before, it's important that you plan for both critical success as well as critical failure when it comes to online multiplayer systems. The results of being over or under prepared can have devastating effects on your players, or your bank account. For Solium Infernum, we had a 4-6 player, turn-based, asynchronous multiplayer game. That last part is important because it means that a game of Solium Infernum can last for…
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Entendiendo la Mutabilidad y la Re-asignación

Entendiendo la Mutabilidad y la Re-asignación

Buenas, hoy quisiera hablar sobre un tema que puede ser confuso al iniciar en programación, especialmente en lenguajes como Javascript donde la diferencia es tan clara: La Mutabilidad y la Re-asignación. Al igual que en otros lenguajes, Javascript permite la definición de variables en las cuales almacenar datos. Existen 3 palabras reservadas que nos sirven para definir variables: var, let y const, pero para este artículo, nos concentraremos en estas últimas 2, y ahondaremos en su relación con la mutabilidad y la reasignación. let: Permite definir una variable cuyo valor puede re-asignarse en cualquier momento. const: Permite definir una variable…
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