
Intro2Stellar | Creating Wallet Web App | Using Python

Intro2Stellar | Creating Wallet Web App | Using Python

This is a submission for the Build Better on Stellar: Smart Contract Challenge : Create a Tutorial Your Tutorial What I Created Created a step by step 13 minutes long brief guide on "what is stellar", "why it is used", "how to use it", and then develop a full app with frontend in python using stellar's python sdk Journey I did research about companies using stellar, what extra usecases/benefits stellar has. Then I read the documentation and chose the SDK which I think could be more properly explained :)I ended up taking up and creating a full demo on python…
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7 Strategies for Building a High-Performing Team in 2024

7 Strategies for Building a High-Performing Team in 2024

In today’s fast-paced business environment, building and managing a high-performing team is critical to driving growth and staying competitive. A team that functions like a well-oiled machine doesn’t just happen by chance—it’s the result of deliberate actions, effective communication, and strong leadership. As we head into 2024, it’s essential to adapt team management strategies that reflect the evolving workplace dynamics, especially with the rise of remote work, AI-driven tools, and diverse teams. Here are seven proven strategies for building a high-performing team in 2024: 1. Set Clear Goals and Expectations It all starts with clarity. Teams perform better when they…
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NodaTime – time offsets C#

NodaTime – time offsets C#

Introduction NodaTime is an NuGet package devoted to working with dates and times. In this article a cursory look at working with time zones is done. Yes, .NET Framework handles time zone while NodaTime does a more precise handling of time zones. With power and precision of NodaTime comes with it documentation not geared to developers who rarely read documentation and developers who just do not care to read documentation. For these developers it is a must to read NodaTime documentation and experiment. Here code will be presented in a class project and ran in a console project to keep…
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Laravel Maps : Leaflet et Google Maps

Laravel Maps : Leaflet et Google Maps

Cartes LaravelCe package vous permet d'utiliser facilement leaflet.js ou Google Maps pour créer une carte dans votre projet laravel. Installation Vous pouvez installer le package via composer : composer require larswiegers/laravel-maps Si vous souhaitez personnaliser davantage les vues de la carte, vous pouvez publier les vues : php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LarswiegersLaravelMapsLaravelMapsServiceProvider" Hôtes de tuiles Openstreetmap :Openstreetmap est une bibliothèque de tuiles créative créée par des bénévoles. Aucune configuration n'est nécessaire pour l'utiliser car il s'agit de l'hôte de tuiles par défaut pour cette bibliothèque. Vous trouverez plus d'informations ici : Usage : // Leaflet // A basic map is…
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Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering

Feature engineering involves manipulation of your dataset to improve the training of a machine learning model for greater accuracy and better performance. The basis of feature engineering is knowing the business problem and the data source. Feature engineering gives a deeper understanding of your data. This leads to more valuable insights. Feature engineering is a valuable part of data science. It involves transforming raw data into formats that enhance model performance. Steps involved in Feature Engineering1. Explore the dataset - Understand your dataset and its shape.2. Handle missing data - Impute or remove missing data.3. Encode variables - Convert categorical…
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Coding Bootcamp Chronicles: Week 4 Highlights and Learnings

Coding Bootcamp Chronicles: Week 4 Highlights and Learnings

Hi there,I am Mukarram.As I entered Week 4, I went more deep into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. One of the highlights of this week was creating a memory game. It was my first real project where I got to combine HTML, CSS, and JavaScript practically. This game was to match the same colour cards and if the cards don't match colour it goes back into its original state. I learned how to manipulate the DOM and add event listeners in HTML. It was rewarding to see everything come together and work fine. This week we also had Independence Day. To…
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The US lays out a road safety plan that will see cars ‘talk’ to each other

The US lays out a road safety plan that will see cars ‘talk’ to each other

The US Department of Transportation has laid out a nationwide road safety plan [PDF] that will lead to cars communicating with each other. The agency is hoping that broadly deploying vehicle-to-everything (V2X) tech will boost its "commitment to pursue a comprehensive approach to reduce the number of roadway fatalities to zero." The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 40,990 people died in motor vehicle crashes last year.V2X enables vehicles to stay in touch with each other as well as pedestrians, cyclists, other road users and roadside infrastructure. It lets them share information such as their position and speed, as…
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Code as Art

Code as Art

Banner Image: Quine Relay -- Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Yusuke Endoh (@mametter), @hirekoke Digital Art In almost all circumstances, code is a means to an end. The phrase "computer programming" itself describes the activity of programming a computer to accomplish a particular task. Often, that task is logical. Most computer programs do something "useful", whether that's calculating the best route from your home to work, balancing a budget, or running your smart fridge's Twitter client. But many programs are written solely to produce something of aesthetic value. Recently, Generative AI applications like Midjourney, which can produce visual art from text…
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Understanding the Basics of Scaling: A Guide for Node.js Applications

Understanding the Basics of Scaling: A Guide for Node.js Applications

As your Node.js application gains traction and user traffic increases, the need to scale becomes inevitable. Scaling ensures your application can handle more requests, users, and data without compromising performance. This blog post will introduce you to the basics of scaling, the different approaches you can take, and how to identify when your application needs to scale. What is Scaling? Scaling refers to the process of increasing the capacity of your application to handle more load. It involves modifying your application's infrastructure to support more users, data, or transactions while maintaining optimal performance. There are two primary types of scaling:…
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Instagram’s experimental profile grid has rectangular images instead of squares

Instagram’s experimental profile grid has rectangular images instead of squares

Instagram is testing a new profile grid layout that features rectangular images instead of the squares you're used to. In an Instagram story, Adam Mosseri has revealed that the app is testing a vertical grid for users' profiles. He explained that the original square grid was designed back in the day when the app only allowed users to upload square photos. Those days are long gone, and the vast majority of Instagram uploads are apparently vertical, specifically 4 x 3 images and 9 x 16 videos. He called cropping those uploads down to square as "pretty brutal."When you click on…
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