
Peran Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dalam Optimalisasi Pertanian Berkelanjutan dan Ketahanan Pangan.

Peran Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dalam Optimalisasi Pertanian Berkelanjutan dan Ketahanan Pangan.

Pendahuluan Pertanian merupakan tulang punggung ketahanan pangan, dengan lebih dari sepertiga populasi dunia bergantung pada sektor ini sebagai sumber penghidupan utama [1]. Namun, sektor ini dihadapkan pada berbagai tantangan signifikan, termasuk pertumbuhan populasi yang pesat, urbanisasi, perubahan iklim, degradasi lahan, serta keterbatasan sumber daya air [1]. Dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan tersebut, inovasi teknologi menjadi kunci untuk menciptakan sistem pertanian yang lebih efisien, berkelanjutan, dan adaptif. Salah satu teknologi yang paling transformatif dalam dekade terakhir adalah Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS). Teknologi GIS menyediakan kemampuan yang sangat kuat dalam pengumpulan, analisis, dan visualisasi data spasial, yang memungkinkan para pemangku kepentingan di sektor pertanian…
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New Project: Public Interface Generator

New Project: Public Interface Generator

This was originally posted at my personal site at: New Project: Public Interface Generator As developers we like to automate things. Anything we can automate is one less thing we waste time on later. Another thing that's getting easier to do, easier than it used to be at least, is to codify our patterns. Enforcing code patterns with code. One common pattern in C# is to create an interface that exists just to make unit test mocking easier. So why not generate the interface code instead of writing it? Well that's the project. There's code and a NuGet package…
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Handling Transactions Without Breaking Service-Adapter Decoupling in Hexagonal Architecture with Golang

Handling Transactions Without Breaking Service-Adapter Decoupling in Hexagonal Architecture with Golang

Introduction When building applications in Go using hexagonal architecture (also known as Ports and Adapters), maintaining a clear separation between the service layer and the adapter layer is essential. One challenge that developers often face is managing database transactions within this architecture without violating service-adapter decoupling.I will walk you through a common problem of transaction handling and how to refactor your Go code to solve it. Problem: Transactions and Decoupling In hexagonal architecture, the service (business logic) should not be aware of infrastructure details such as transaction management. The service layer should focus purely on business rules and defer infrastructure…
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How to Implement QR Code Generation in Laravel

How to Implement QR Code Generation in Laravel

QR codes are a practical tool for sharing data, and implementing them in a Laravel application can be straightforward and scalable. This blog post will guide you through building a QR code generation system using contracts, traits, and action classes. Before we dive into the code, let's install the necessary packages and dependencies. Step 1: Install SimpleSoftwareIO QR Code Package To generate QR codes in Laravel, we will use the SimpleSoftwareIO QR Code package. It provides an easy-to-use API for creating QR codes in various formats, such as PNG, SVG, and more. Run the following command to install the package:…
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GCP Global Infrastructure

GCP Global Infrastructure

Google Cloud had been designed to serve all users worldwide by designing the infrastructure with redundant regions connected with high bandwidth connecting different continents.Invested 13 Subsea Cables Connecting these continents(100,000 miles of fiber cable) 24 Regions 73 Zone 144 Network edges location 200+ countries and territory In cloud computing, the terms zone, region, and multi-region are used to describe the geographical organization of cloud resources, which impacts performance, availability, and redundancy. Zone: A zone is a specific, isolated data center within a region. Each region contains multiple zones (usually 3 or more). Zones are independent of one another to ensure…
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Introduction to AWS S3 Remote Backend with Terraform

Introduction to AWS S3 Remote Backend with Terraform

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is revolutionizing how we manage and provision infrastructure, and Terraform has become a standout tool in this landscape. However, a critical aspect of using Terraform effectively is managing the Terraform state file—the single source of truth that records your infrastructure’s current status. In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of the Terraform state file, why local storage can be risky, and how using AWS S3 as a remote backend offers a scalable, secure, and collaborative solution. What is the Terraform State File? The Terraform state file, terraform.tfstate, is an essential JSON file that maintains the mapping…
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Axios vs Fetch

Axios vs Fetch

Versão em português Axios e Fetch são ferramentas populares para fazer requisições HTTP em JavaScript, mas possuem algumas diferenças chave. Aqui está um resumo: Axios Recursos Embutidos: O Axios vem com muitos recursos embutidos, como transformação automática de JSON, interceptores de requisição e resposta, e cancelamento de requisições. Compatibilidade com Navegadores: Suporta navegadores mais antigos, incluindo o Internet Explorer. Tratamento de Erros: O Axios rejeita automaticamente promessas para status de erro HTTP (como 404 ou 500), facilitando o tratamento de erros. Interceptores de Requisição/Resposta: Permite modificar requisições ou respostas globalmente de forma simples. Cancelamento de Requisições: O Axios oferece uma…
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Behavioural Interview Guidance

Behavioural Interview Guidance

1. Question: Tell me about a time when you had to handle a challenging project with tight deadlines. How did you manage to deliver it successfully? Possible Answer: "In my previous role as a project manager, I was given a tight deadline to implement a new CRM system across the organization. The challenge was the integration with our existing systems, which required a lot of customization. To meet the deadline, I prioritized tasks using a Kanban board, broke down the project into manageable sprints, and held daily stand-up meetings to ensure alignment. I also encouraged the team to escalate issues…
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[Jornada à física computacional] – Dia 2 / Iniciando estudos em C++

[Jornada à física computacional] – Dia 2 / Iniciando estudos em C++

Post do dia 1: Iniciei os estudos em C++, e para maior motivação escolhi desenvolver jogos para os primeiros projetos. Buscando alguns tutoriais, muitos recomendaram usar o Visual Studio como IDE. Por utilizar muito VSCode no meu dia a dia, tentei ao máximo utilizar ele juntamente do WSL2 (que também costumo utilizar), mas tudo se tornou desnecessariamente complexo, então optei pelo Visual Studio com o Windows puro mesmo. Os primeiros tutoriais que vi recomendaram a biblioteca wxwidgets para gerar a interface gráfica do programa, gostei bastante da ideia pois o wxwidgets torna a aplicação multiplataforma, então não depende de…
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