
Connecting ServiceNow to Jira

Connecting ServiceNow to Jira

Creating a seamless integration for automatic bug reporting Introduction: In this guide, we'll walk through the process of integrating ServiceNow's Automated Test Framework (ATF) with Jira. This integration enables automatic bug reporting whenever a test case fails, streamlining the communication between testing and development teams. While this is a personalized approach, it can be adapted to integrate Jira with other functionalities of ServiceNow. Understanding the Workflow: Identifying Triggers: We'll set up a business rule in ServiceNow to trigger whenever a test case fails. This rule will be activated when a new entry is inserted in the sys_atf_test_result table indicating a…
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How To Install and Use Composer on Ubuntu 20.04

How To Install and Use Composer on Ubuntu 20.04

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, allowing you to manage your project's libraries and packages effortlessly. If you're developing PHP applications, Composer is an essential tool. This guide will show you how to install and use Composer on Ubuntu 20.04. Prerequisites Before you start, make sure you have the following: An Ubuntu 20.04 server. A user with sudo privileges. PHP installed on your server. If PHP is not installed, you can do so by running: sudo apt update sudo apt install php-cli unzip Step 1: Install Composer 1.1 Update Your Package Manager First, update the package manager cache: sudo…
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Angular vs React js Prop Passing

Angular vs React js Prop Passing

Prop Passing in React Parent Component: import React from 'react'; import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent'; class ParentComponent extends React.Component { render() { const message = "Hello from Parent!"; return ( <div> <h1>Parent Component</h1> <ChildComponent message={message} /> </div> ); } } export default ParentComponent; Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Child Component: import React from 'react'; class ChildComponent extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div> <h2>Child Component</h2> <p>{this.props.message}</p> </div> ); } } export default ChildComponent; Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Advantages of Prop Passing in React Challenges of Prop Passing in React Prop Drilling: In larger applications, passing props through…
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Building a CRUD Application with Node.js, Express, and MySQL

Building a CRUD Application with Node.js, Express, and MySQL

In this blog, we'll walk through creating a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using Node.js, Express, and MySQL. This tutorial will guide you through setting up the project, configuring the database, and implementing the CRUD operations. Project Setup Step 1: Initializing the Project Create a new directory for your project and initialize it with npm: mkdir crud-nodejs cd crud-nodejs npm init -y Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Install the necessary dependencies: npm install express mysql2 dotenv body-parser npm install --save-dev nodemon Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Step 2: Project Structure Create the following project structure: crud-nodejs…
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[WIP] Test UI?

[WIP] Test UI?

There are different solutions on test UI Jest unit testing Jest Snapshots Integration testing Image comparison testing Accessibility reports Manual testing When to us what? In my experience a big project will end up using all of them. Let start with the first Jest unit testing Unit testing is a type of software testing that focuses on individual units or components of a software system. Nice... but let also mention that: we want to test behavior and not implementation The goal is I can change 100% the implementation and the test will still pass How? the style is called "Black…
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Why you should use Winston for Logging in JS

Why you should use Winston for Logging in JS

Winston JS is a popular open-sourced Javascript logging library used to write logs in code with support extending upto multiple transport. A transport helps the log to be present at multiple levels, be it storage at database level but logs on the console. The transports can be either console, database, files or remote servers making it highly flexible to get logs as per the requirements. The core transports that are part of Winston are Console, File and HTTP while there is option to write logs in third-party transports like MongoDb, CouchDb and Redis. The additional transports are written by the…
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How to Create Your Own Memes Generator Project

How to Create Your Own Memes Generator Project

Project:- 3/500 Meme Generator Project Description The Meme Generator project is a web-based application that allows users to create their own memes. Users can upload images or provide image URLs, add custom text to the top and bottom of the image, adjust text size, and export the final meme as a PNG file. Features Image Upload: Upload an image from your local system. Image URL: Use an image from the web by providing its URL. Custom Text: Add and edit custom text at the top and bottom of the image. Text Styling: Adjust the font size of the text. Export…
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Entendiendo la Mutabilidad y la Re-asignación

Entendiendo la Mutabilidad y la Re-asignación

Buenas, hoy quisiera hablar sobre un tema que puede ser confuso al iniciar en programación, especialmente en lenguajes como Javascript donde la diferencia es tan clara: La Mutabilidad y la Re-asignación. Al igual que en otros lenguajes, Javascript permite la definición de variables en las cuales almacenar datos. Existen 3 palabras reservadas que nos sirven para definir variables: var, let y const, pero para este artículo, nos concentraremos en estas últimas 2, y ahondaremos en su relación con la mutabilidad y la reasignación. let: Permite definir una variable cuyo valor puede re-asignarse en cualquier momento. const: Permite definir una variable…
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Error v/s Exception

Error v/s Exception

Have you ever been confused between an error and an exception? We often tend to use these words interchangeably. Well, they are not the same, since they have nuanced differences. Let us understand these differences with examples. Error An error usually refers to a condition that hinders a program's normal execution. It can be due to issues like: 1. Syntax Errors Errors which occurs when we have mistakes in our code that prevents the compiler from parsing our program correctly. // Syntax error example: function greet() { console.log("Hello world!"; // SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list } Enter fullscreen mode…
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The long path of JavaScript – from ES6 until today.

The long path of JavaScript – from ES6 until today.

According to a Stack Overflow survey, JavaScript was the most popular language among developers in 2023. JavaScript was initially developed for Netscape Navigator - a web browser that was developed in the middle of 1990s - and now is being used in almost every domain of programming - Web Development, Mobile app development, Game development, Machine Learning and many others. But how did a language which was developed in 10 days by Brendan Eich become so popular? In this article, we will go through the life of JavaScript from ES6, which was released in 2015 and was the second major…
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