
Benefícios do Uso de Streams em Node.js

Benefícios do Uso de Streams em Node.js

Introdução No processamento de grandes volumes de dados, o uso de streams em Node.js pode trazer enormes vantagens em termos de performance e eficiência. Streams permitem o processamento de dados de forma contínua e em pedaços, evitando o carregamento completo do arquivo na memória. Este artigo explora os benefícios do uso de streams, utilizando um exemplo prático para demonstrar como transformar um arquivo de texto grande de forma eficiente. O Que São Streams? Streams são uma abstração em Node.js que permite o processamento de dados em pedaços (chunks) ao invés de carregar tudo na memória de uma vez. Existem quatro…
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Using MongoDB on Docker

Using MongoDB on Docker

Introduction MongoDB is a widely popular NoSQL database today due to its simplicity and several advantages over relational databases. Through this guide, you'll learn how to quickly use MongoDB within Docker without going through many complex installation steps. Note that before starting, you need to have Docker installed on your machine. Starting MongoDB on Docker You just need to execute the following command: docker run -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=username -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v /data/db:/data/db -d mongo Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Explanation of the command: - -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=username -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password: Sets environment variables for MongoDB initialization. You can…
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Clean Architecture in Node.js: An Approach with TypeScript and Dependency Injection.

Clean Architecture in Node.js: An Approach with TypeScript and Dependency Injection.

A Clean Architecture What is clean architecture and why do we even care about it? The clean architecture approach is a software design pattern and a guideline proposed by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob). This architecture urges us to build a cleaner code and more structured code. So why do we care about it, why is it a good fit (at least, for me) to be used with a Node.js project, especially with TypeScript? While there is a catch like a more complex code and it may be overkill for some simple or some quick projects, we have some benefits…
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Implementing Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) with NodeJs: A Practical Guide

Implementing Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) with NodeJs: A Practical Guide

Introduction In the modern digital landscape, privacy and security are paramount. Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) is a cryptographic protocol that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. This technology has vast applications, including privacy-preserving data analysis and secure voting systems. In this blog, we'll explore how to implement SMPC using Node.js, making it simple and easy to understand with real-world examples. What is Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC)?SMPC is a subfield of cryptography that enables parties to collaboratively compute a function over their inputs without revealing those inputs to each other. The…
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Node js Rest API

Node js Rest API

Creating a REST API using Node.js in the MERN stack involves several steps, including setting up MongoDB, creating the backend with Express, and using tools like Postman to test the API. Here's a detailed guide to help you through the process: 1. Set Up Your Environment Install Node.js and npm Download and install Node.js from npm is included with Node.js. Install MongoDB Download and install MongoDB from 2. Create a New Project Initialize a new Node.js project: mkdir mern-rest-api cd mern-rest-api npm init -y Install dependencies: npm install express mongoose body-parser cors npm install --save-dev nodemon Install additional…
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Innovative JavaScript Features in 2024: Enhancing Developer Experience and Codebase Quality

Innovative JavaScript Features in 2024: Enhancing Developer Experience and Codebase Quality

The JavaScript language continues to evolve, and 2024 brings some exciting new features that will improve the developer experience and codebase quality. Let's explore some of these features and how they will benefit developers. 1)** Temporal**Temporal is a proposal to introduce a new global object that replaces the existing Date object in JavaScript. This new object offers a more modern and intuitive API for working with dates, times, and time zones. With Temporal, developers can easily handle complex date and time-related tasks, ensuring accurate and reliable results. This feature will reduce the need for external libraries and minimize potential errors…
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Issue with NPM Package Installing Globally

Issue with NPM Package Installing Globally

I was not able to install npm packages globally in mac os(using npm install -g), but able to install locally in the project. Installing locally in every project will increase the total node_modules folder size and for every project we need to install the same packages that will be tedious and unnecessary. Here are the steps I performed. I was using Homebrew to install node and npm. So, Used command npm config get prefix - check where the npm actually points to. If this points to /opt/homebrew Check if node_modules are installed in cd /usr/local/lib If (2) is true, brew…
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How to accept Cash App payments on your Node.js web server without Cash App Pay!

How to accept Cash App payments on your Node.js web server without Cash App Pay!

Hello there! Welcome to this concise Node.js tutorial where I will guide you through integrating Cash App payments into your Node.js website without relying on Stripe, Cash App Pay, or any other payment processing platforms. The best part? No SSN or ID verification is required to handle the payments! To begin accepting Cash App payments, start by launching Cash App on your device and locating the profile button in the top-right corner of the screen. Proceed by scrolling down until you spot the Notifications tab, and ensure that email notifications are enabled. This step holds significant importance since we will…
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What is Threads and its use in Node.js

What is Threads and its use in Node.js

In the bustling world of computer science, threads are like tiny, independent workers within a larger workshop, a process. Imagine a single process as a factory. This factory has various tasks to complete, from assembling parts to running quality checks. Threads, on the other hand, are the individual workers on the assembly line. They share the same resources (tools, materials) within the factory (process) but can work on different tasks (instructions) concurrently. What are Threads? Threads are lightweight units of execution within a process. They share the same memory space and resources (like CPU time) of the process they belong…
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Advanced NVM Commands for Efficient Node.js Version Management

Advanced NVM Commands for Efficient Node.js Version Management

Advanced Installation Commands Install Node.js from Source For developers needing a specific setup or patch: nvm install -s <node_version> Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Reinstall Packages When Installing a New Version Easily transfer global packages to the newly installed version: nvm install <node_version> --reinstall-packages-from=current Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Install Multiple Versions Simultaneously Batch install several versions at once: nvm install <node_version_1> <node_version_2> <node_version_3> Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Efficient Node Version Switching Switching with Environment Variables Automatically switch Node.js versions based on your project’s configuration: export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This…
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