
Entendiendo la Mutabilidad y la Re-asignación

Entendiendo la Mutabilidad y la Re-asignación

Buenas, hoy quisiera hablar sobre un tema que puede ser confuso al iniciar en programación, especialmente en lenguajes como Javascript donde la diferencia es tan clara: La Mutabilidad y la Re-asignación. Al igual que en otros lenguajes, Javascript permite la definición de variables en las cuales almacenar datos. Existen 3 palabras reservadas que nos sirven para definir variables: var, let y const, pero para este artículo, nos concentraremos en estas últimas 2, y ahondaremos en su relación con la mutabilidad y la reasignación. let: Permite definir una variable cuyo valor puede re-asignarse en cualquier momento. const: Permite definir una variable…
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Error v/s Exception

Error v/s Exception

Have you ever been confused between an error and an exception? We often tend to use these words interchangeably. Well, they are not the same, since they have nuanced differences. Let us understand these differences with examples. Error An error usually refers to a condition that hinders a program's normal execution. It can be due to issues like: 1. Syntax Errors Errors which occurs when we have mistakes in our code that prevents the compiler from parsing our program correctly. // Syntax error example: function greet() { console.log("Hello world!"; // SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list } Enter fullscreen mode…
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The long path of JavaScript – from ES6 until today.

The long path of JavaScript – from ES6 until today.

According to a Stack Overflow survey, JavaScript was the most popular language among developers in 2023. JavaScript was initially developed for Netscape Navigator - a web browser that was developed in the middle of 1990s - and now is being used in almost every domain of programming - Web Development, Mobile app development, Game development, Machine Learning and many others. But how did a language which was developed in 10 days by Brendan Eich become so popular? In this article, we will go through the life of JavaScript from ES6, which was released in 2015 and was the second major…
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