
Exploratory Testing: A Dynamic Approach to Software Quality

Exploratory Testing: A Dynamic Approach to Software Quality

In the fast-paced world of software development, ensuring quality requires approaches that adapt to changing requirements and uncover unexpected issues. Exploratory testing is one such method, emphasizing discovery, learning, and adaptability. This article delves into exploratory testing, its importance, and best practices to maximize its benefits. What Is Exploratory Testing? Exploratory testing is a hands-on software testing method where testers design and execute tests simultaneously. Instead of relying on predefined scripts, testers dynamically interact with the application to uncover issues, leveraging their skills and intuition. This approach prioritizes understanding the software while actively seeking out defects. Key Characteristics of Exploratory…
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How to Prevent SQL Injection with SafeLine WAF

How to Prevent SQL Injection with SafeLine WAF

Many readers have heard that SafeLine has excellent protection capabilities, but they do not usually know the exact effectiveness of the protection. So in this article, we're going to do a test for its protection capabilities. Here, I prepared a demo of SQL attack requests. The attack commands involved are only for learning purpose. About SQL Attacks They mainly target applications that use Structured Query Language (SQL) for database operations. By exploiting improper handling of user input data by the application, attackers can inject malicious code into SQL queries to achieve malicious purposes. Steps To test this attack, we set…
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Perl Weekly #697 – Advent Calendars 2024

Perl Weekly #697 – Advent Calendars 2024

Originally published at Perl Weekly 697 Hi As every year, this year too you can check out the Advent Planet of Len Jaffe listing all the tech-related Advent calendars with daily articles. This year there is also The 2024 PDL Advent Calendar that has not been included yet. The German Perl/Raku Workshop 2025 was announced. I've restarted the organization of live online events. For now I've scheduled a Rust-related presentation, and a Perl-related one: GitLab pipelines and CI for Perl developers. I am going to schedule a few more soon-ish. If you'd like to get notified of new events you…
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Part 8: **SQL Injection Series – Advanced Prevention Techniques and Real-World Applications

Part 8: **SQL Injection Series – Advanced Prevention Techniques and Real-World Applications

Author: Trix Cyrus Waymap Pentesting tool: Click HereTrixSec Github: Click HereTrixSec Telegram: Click Here Welcome to the 8th part of our SQL Injection series! So far, we’ve explored SQL Injection basics, advanced techniques, real-world case studies, and defense mechanisms. In this part, we will focus on advanced prevention techniques and real-world applications of secure coding practices. 1. Advanced Prevention Techniques While input sanitization and parameterized queries are essential, here are some advanced strategies to prevent SQL Injection: 1.1. Input Encoding Always encode special characters that may be interpreted as SQL commands. For example: In PHP: Use htmlspecialchars() or filter_var(). In…
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Clojure REPL-Driven Development with VS Code

Clojure REPL-Driven Development with VS Code

In Software Development, fast feedback loops are essential to validating that code does what we intend. One of my favorite things about the Clojure ecosystem is the emphasis on REPL-driven development (Read Eval Print Loop). This article explains at a basic level, how the REPL server communicates with the text editor and how to set up a Clojure REPL with VS Code. Exploring the REPL There are many ways to REPL, but this article focuses on exploring Clojure REPL with Leiningen, VS Code and the Calva extension. What powers the REPL? The Calva extension uses nREPL under the hood, nREPL…
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OSD Final Chapter: Part 2

OSD Final Chapter: Part 2

Introduction In the previous post, I said that I am going to work on the JabRef's issue, which is true, but there is one thing that I have to mention. For the reason, that I've counted that issue towards my Release 0.2 submission, I am not able to use it for 0.4, and I had to find another issue to work on. However, maintainer refused to assign me to another issue unless I don't finish previous one, so I had to finish it anyway before I'd get assigned to other issue. Therefore, I am going to talk about what I've…
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HarmonyOS Next中密码类数据保护场景解析

HarmonyOS Next中密码类数据保护场景解析

本文旨在深入探讨华为鸿蒙HarmonyOS Next系统(截止目前 API12)在开发多语言电商平台方面的技术细节,基于实际开发实践进行总结。主要作为技术分享与交流载体,难免错漏,欢迎各位同仁提出宝贵意见和问题,以便共同进步。本文为原创内容,任何形式的转载必须注明出处及原作者。 在当今数字化时代,密码类数据的保护对于应用的安全性和用户体验至关重要。无论是登录账号、进行金融交易还是访问敏感信息,密码都起着关键的作用。HarmonyOS Next作为一款先进的操作系统,其提供的Asset Store Kit为密码类数据的安全存储和管理提供了强大的解决方案。 (一)引言 密码类数据保护的重要性    - 在移动应用领域,密码类数据是用户身份验证的核心凭证。一旦密码泄露,用户的账号安全将受到严重威胁,可能导致个人信息被窃取、财产遭受损失等严重后果。例如,在金融类应用中,如果用户的登录密码被泄露,黑客可能会非法访问用户的账户,进行转账、消费等操作。因此,确保密码类数据的安全性是应用开发者必须首要考虑的问题。 Asset Store Kit的关键作用    - HarmonyOS Next的Asset Store Kit提供了专门针对关键资产(包括密码类数据)的存储和管理功能。它通过一系列的安全机制和接口,帮助开发者轻松实现密码类数据的安全存储,有效降低了数据泄露的风险。例如,它可以确保密码在存储过程中被加密,只有授权的用户或应用才能访问和解密密码。 ### (二)“记住密码”功能实现 常见场景描述    - 当用户在应用或浏览器中登录账号时,常常会看到“记住密码”的选项。例如,在社交媒体应用中,用户每天可能需要多次登录查看消息和更新动态。如果每次登录都需要手动输入密码,会给用户带来不便。而选择“记住密码”后,下次登录时,应用可以自动填充密码,用户只需点击“登录”按钮即可快速进入账号,大大提升了用户体验。 ASSET存储密码的原理    - 应用利用ASSET存储密码时,首先会将密码转换为密文形式。ASSET使用AES256 - GCM加密算法对密码进行加密,这种算法具有高强度的加密特性,能够有效防止密码被破解。例如,以下是一个简单的代码示例展示如何使用ASSET存储密码(假设使用ArkTS语言): import { asset } from '@kit.AssetStoreKit'; import { util } from '@kit.ArkTS'; import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit'; function stringToArray(str: string): Uint8Array {     let textEncoder = new util.TextEncoder();     return textEncoder.encodeInto(str); } // 假设密码为"myPassword",别名设置为"loginPassword" let attr: asset.AssetMap = new Map(); attr.set(asset.Tag.SECRET, stringToArray('myPassword')); attr.set(asset.Tag.ALIAS, stringToArray('loginPassword')); try {     asset.add(attr).then(() => {'Password stored successfully.');     }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {…
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Mejores Prácticas en JavaScript Moderno – Parte 1

Mejores Prácticas en JavaScript Moderno – Parte 1

JavaScript es, sin duda, el lenguaje de programación más utilizado en el mundo y tiene una enorme influencia en una de las tecnologías más importantes de nuestra vida diaria: internet. Con este poder viene una gran responsabilidad, y el ecosistema de JavaScript ha estado evolucionando rápidamente, haciendo difícil mantenerse al día con las mejores prácticas. En este artículo, exploraremos algunas de las principales mejores prácticas en JavaScript moderno para escribir un código más limpio, mantenible y eficiente. 1. Las reglas del proyecto son lo más importante Cada proyecto puede tener reglas específicas para mantener la coherencia del código. Estas reglas…
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BigQuery é um serviço de análise de dados altamente escalável e rápido fornecido pela Google Cloud. Ele é projetado para processar grandes volumes de dados em tempo real, facilitando a análise de dados estruturados e não estruturados. BigQuery usa SQL como sua linguagem principal para consultas, mas também oferece integrações com outras ferramentas de análise de dados, como Python, R, e interfaces de BI. Aqui está um guia passo a passo para começar com o BigQuery. 1. Configuração Inicial do BigQuery Antes de começar a usar o BigQuery, você precisa configurar um projeto no Google Cloud e ativar a API…
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Testes Unitários com Jest

Testes Unitários com Jest

Vamos explorar o Módulo 15: Testes Unitários com Jest detalhadamente. O foco desse módulo é ensinar como realizar testes unitários usando o Jest, um framework de testes popular para aplicações JavaScript, especialmente em projetos React. Vamos abordar a introdução aos testes unitários, a instalação e uso do Jest, e como escrever e executar testes em React. 1. Introdução aos Testes Unitários O que são testes unitários? Testes unitários são uma forma de testar componentes ou funções de maneira isolada para garantir que cada parte do seu código funcione como esperado. Eles são escritos para verificar se uma "unidade" específica de…
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