
Authentication in React with JWTs, Access & Refresh Tokens

Authentication in React with JWTs, Access & Refresh Tokens

Authentication in React using JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) with access and refresh tokens is a common approach to manage user sessions securely and efficiently. Here’s a detailed explanation of how this works: 1. JWT Basics A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe token composed of three parts: a header, a payload, and a signature. Header: Typically consists of two parts: the type of the token (JWT) and the signing algorithm (e.g., HMAC SHA256). Payload: Contains the claims, which are statements about an entity (typically, the user) and additional data. Common claims include iss (issuer), exp (expiration time), sub…
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EC2 Snapshot Management: How to get AWS EC2 Snapshot Information with Python

EC2 Snapshot Management: How to get AWS EC2 Snapshot Information with Python

Introduction Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) snapshots are integral to data backup and disaster recovery strategies within AWS. They provide point-in-time copies of your EC2 instance volumes, allowing you to restore data quickly and reliably in the event of failures, data loss, or system corruption. As organizations scale their cloud infrastructure, managing these snapshots becomes increasingly complex and time-consuming. Automation is the key to simplifying this process, ensuring data integrity, and optimizing operational efficiency. In this blog post, we'll walk through a Python script that automates the extraction of snapshot information, including associated instance details. This script exports the gathered…
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Domain Driven Design (DDD) with stakeholders: using content production contracting as an example

Domain Driven Design (DDD) with stakeholders: using content production contracting as an example

In my previous article, I focused on the development part of DDD, but this time I would like to delve into the preliminary part. So, using the business challenges of a fictitious company as an example, we will consider how to understand the business process and how to leverage the knowledge of experts to build a system. Step 0: How the Project Begins Voices of Employees A content production company was experiencing inefficiencies in its contract-related operations. Below are some specific comments from the field: Content Producer's Voice. "Every time I sign a contract, I have to explain it in…
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Day 974 : Do It Right

Day 974 : Do It Right

liner notes: Professional : Sigh.... more visa stuff. haha Had a couple of meetings. Responded to a couple of community questions. Did some more refactoring of a project. Personal : Went through a bunch of tracks for the radio show. Picked out the projects I'm going to pick up on Bandcamp this week. Looked at some properties. Did some work on the logo for my side project. Also started a proof of concept for the View Transitions API for Multi-page Applications. It's pretty cool. Going to pick up the projects I picked last night on Bandcamp and prepare the social…
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How to create and connect to a Linux VM using a Public Key.

How to create and connect to a Linux VM using a Public Key.

A Linux virtual machine (VM) can be created using the Azure portal. This guide will show you how to use the Azure portal to deploy a Linux virtual machine using Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS as the operating system (OS) image. A connection will be established to the VM using Secure Shell (SSH) with a public key and the NGINX webserver will also be installed. Sign in to the Azure portalSign in to the Azure portal Creating a Virtual machine Select "+ Create a resource" from the Azure homepage. Click on the Virtual machine option In the Basics tab, under the…
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Measured now supports your favorite Kotlin platform

Measured now supports your favorite Kotlin platform

Measured now supports tons of Kotlin targets like iOS and all Apple platforms, Android Native, Linux, etc. So you can work with units of measure seamlessly no matter where you app runs. Measured makes units of measure simple by providing intuitive, strongly-typed (i.e. compile-time enforced) units that combine using normal mathematical operations. val velocity = 5 * meters / seconds val acceleration = 9 * meters / (seconds * seconds) val time = 1 * minutes // d = vt + ½at² val distance = velocity * time + 1.0 / 2 * acceleration * time * time println(distance )…
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No More Cutting in Line: Crafting Fairness in Queues

No More Cutting in Line: Crafting Fairness in Queues

So what is this queue fairness and why should you care about it? Recently we published an article on how to manage long-running tasks using a worker and queue, if you haven't read I suggest that you read it first, you can read it here. Queuing systems offer reliability, and are very intuitive, but they are also really easy to mess up. Before coming back to the main question, let's consider this simple scenario, you have set up the infra for managing long-running tasks using a queue so, whenever a user performs an operation on your platform, a job gets…
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Should I buy a new PC?

Should I buy a new PC?

Hello all! I am a complete beginner to the world of programming and I had a few questions concerning my hardware and whether or not it needs an upgrade. My specs: Dell Inspiron 3584 128GB with about 11GB free intel I3-7020U @2.3Ghz 8GB ram Currently installed: VSCode Webstorm IDEA for Python JDK 22 If there is any more information I can provide let me know. Source link lol
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Free Database Hosting

Free Database Hosting

When it comes to free database hosting, several providers offer robust solutions across various database systems including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis. Here are some of the top options available in 2024: 1. MySQL Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Features: GCP offers a free tier that includes the Cloud SQL service for MySQL. Users can manage and maintain their MySQL databases with automatic backups, updates, and scaling. Free Tier Limits: GCP’s free tier provides a small instance with 30GB of HDD storage and 1GB of RAM per month. Pros: High availability, seamless integration with other Google Cloud services, and robust security…
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Without user feedback, you’re just another “developer”

Without user feedback, you’re just another “developer”

This article was originally published in my blog: I’ve always believed that hearing directly from users is a game changer when building websites. It’s like having a guide who tells you exactly where to go and what to fix. That’s why user feedback is so crucial especially in frontend —it helps us see our work through the users’ eyes. In this article, I'll share how listening to user feedback has changed the way I build my projects, making them more effective and user-friendly. We’ll look at why this feedback is so important and how you can use it to…
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