


Asinxron "Asinxron" so'zi bir vaqtda bo'lmagan yoki bir vaqtda amalga oshirilmagan degan ma'noni anglatadi. Kompyuter dasturlashida asinxron kod deganda dastur bajarilishi davomida boshqa kodlar bilan parallel ravishda bajarilishi mumkin bo'lgan kod tushuniladi. Bu kodning bajarilishi natijasini kutish shart emas, ya'ni boshqa kodlar bajarilishini davom ettirishi mumkin. Sinxron kod: Har bir kod qatori ketma-ketlikda bajariladi. Bir qator tugamasa, keyingi qator boshlanmaydi. console.log('Birinchi'); console.log('Ikkinchi'); console.log('Uchinchi'); Asinxron kod: Ba'zi kod qatorlari bajarilishi vaqt talab qilishi mumkin, masalan, serverga so'rov yuborish yoki fayl o'qish. Bu jarayonlar tugaguniga qadar boshqa kodlar bajarilishi davom ettiriladi. console.log('Birinchi'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Ikkinchi'); }, 1000); // 1 soniyadan keyin…
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dropdown open in portal for using table in react

dropdown open in portal for using table in react

import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; const PortalWrapper = React.forwardRef(({ children }, ref) => { const [openDropdownMenu, setOpenDropdownMenu] = useState(false); const [position, setPosition] = useState({ left: 0, top: 0, width: "100%", }); const dropdownRef = useRef(null); const handleDropdDownClick = () => { setOpenDropdownMenu(!openDropdownMenu); if (ref && "current" in ref && ref.current) { const { top, left, height } = ref.current.getBoundingClientRect(); setPosition({ top: top + height, left, width: `${ref.current.clientWidth}px`, }); } }; useEffect(() => { if (openDropdownMenu && dropdownRef.current) { = `${}px`; = `${position.left}px`; = "none"; } }, [openDropdownMenu, position]); return…
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Revolutionize Your Website Design with Midjourney

Revolutionize Your Website Design with Midjourney

Looking to create a dynamic, interactive website in a short time? MidJourney website design is the answer. Websites have revolutionized the online business industry and have opened up new ways for traditional businesses to improve their operation and expand their user base. A great website with interactive, artistic design is necessary to attract new users and improve every possible click into a business opportunity. In the traditional days, each website had to be carefully designed, modified, and transformed into code for execution. With the introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning models creating websites has become easier than ever before.…
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Adding custom video player to website

Adding custom video player to website

Adding a custom video player to your website can enhance user experience, improve branding, and provide more control over video playback features. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create and integrate a custom video player into your website. Step 1: Choose the Right Tools HTML5 Video: The HTML5 <video> element is a great starting point for embedding videos. JavaScript Libraries: Consider using libraries like Video.js, Plyr, or custom JavaScript to add advanced functionalities. CSS: Custom styles to match your website’s design. Step 2: Basic HTML5 Video Embedding Start by embedding a simple HTML5 video player on your webpage. <!DOCTYPE…
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Introduction to Functional Programming in JavaScript: Immutability #6

Introduction to Functional Programming in JavaScript: Immutability #6

Immutability is a key concept in functional programming and is crucial for writing reliable, maintainable, and predictable code. By ensuring that data objects do not change after they are created, immutability helps to eliminate side effects and makes it easier to reason about the state of your application. What is Immutability? Immutability means that once an object is created, it cannot be changed. Instead of modifying an object, you create a new object with the desired changes. This contrasts with mutable objects, which can be modified after they are created. Immutability can be applied to various types of data, including…
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Navigating Common Git Errors: A Guide for Developers

Navigating Common Git Errors: A Guide for Developers

As developers, we often encounter various errors when using Git. One such error involves attempting to fetch all branches or create a new branch in a directory that is not a Git repository. In this article, we will explore a common scenario and provide a step-by-step guide on how to resolve it. The Scenario You are working on a project and trying to fetch all branches or create a new branch using the following commands: git fetch --all git checkout -b dev-pilot Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode However, you encounter the following errors: fatal: not a git repository (or…
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Explaining ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript

Explaining ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript

1. Global Context When used in the global context (outside of any function), this refers to the global object, which is window in browsers and global in Node.js.console.log(this); // In a browser, this logs the Window object 2. Function Context In a regular function, the value of this depends on how the function is called. a. Function InvocationWhen a function is called as a standalone function, this refers to the global object (in non-strict mode) or undefined (in strict mode). function foo() { console.log(this); } foo(); // In non-strict mode, logs the global object (Window in browsers) // In strict…
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The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Objects

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Objects

JavaScript objects are one of the fundamental aspects of the language, providing a way to structure and manipulate data. This guide will cover everything you need to know about JavaScript objects, from the basics to advanced concepts, with plenty of code examples to illustrate each point. What are JavaScript Objects? JavaScript objects are collections of key-value pairs, where each key (also called a property) is a string, and the value can be anything, including other objects, functions, or primitive data types. Objects are created using curly braces {} and can be used to store related data and functionality together. Basic…
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