He says AI can tell your politics and sexuality by reading your face. Is he right?

He says AI can tell your politics and sexuality by reading your face. Is he right?

Michal Kosinski knows exactly how he sounds when he talks about his research. And how it sounds is not great.A psychologist at Stanford University, Kosinski is a specialist in psychometrics — a field that attempts to measure the facets of the human mind. For more than a decade, his work has freaked people right the hell out. In study after study, Kosinski has made scarily plausible claims that machine-learning algorithms of artificial intelligence can discern deeply private things about us — our intelligence, our sexual preferences, our political beliefs — using little more than our Facebook likes and photographs of…
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cy.get('select').select('Option 1'); cy.get('input').type('Hello, World!'); cy.get('input').clear(); // 输入值后按 Enter 键 cy.get('input').type('Hello, World!{enter}'); cy.get('input[type="checkbox"]').check(); cy.get('input[type="checkbox"]').uncheck(); // 单选按钮 cy.get('input[type="radio"]').check('radioValue'); // 触发自定义事件 cy.get('input').trigger('mouseover'); // .contains() 方法查找包含特定文本的元素 cy.contains('Submit').click(); Source link lol
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NEC APAC, Spectro Cloud partner to Accelerate Cloud Native Innovation

NEC Asia Pacific (NEC APAC), the ASEAN regional headquarters of global technology firm NEC Corporation, and Spectro Cloud, a California-based leading Kubernetes management platform provider, have signed a strategic agreement to advance cloud-native innovation for organisations. With the exponential growth of modern, containerised applications inclusive of AI/ML workloads, real-time analytics and databases with various use cases across multiple industries, organisations need enterprise-grade capabilities to run these applications efficiently and securely. NEC recognises the immense value of Spectro Cloud’s Palette platform that operates seamlessly across any environment; clouds, data centres, and edge locations. As demand for containerised management at scale grows,…
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Helaena Targaryen has a target on her back by the end of ‘House of the Dragon’ season 2. Here’s what will happen to her if the show follows the book.

Helaena Targaryen has a target on her back by the end of ‘House of the Dragon’ season 2. Here’s what will happen to her if the show follows the book.

Warning: Major spoilers ahead for "House of the Dragon" season two and the book "Fire and Blood."Helaena Targaryen may be one of several major characters to die when "House of the Dragon" returns for season three, if it follows the storyline of "Fire and Blood," the George R. R. Martin book it's based on.In the hit "Game of Thrones" prequel, Helaena (Phia Saban) is forced to serve as queen of Westeros after her brother-husband Aegon II (Tom Glynn-Carney) is made King by the Hightowers and their allies.She doesn't like being queen, and in the season finale, she talks to her…
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Discrete Randomized Smoothing Meets Quantum Computing

Discrete Randomized Smoothing Meets Quantum Computing

arXiv:2408.00895v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Breakthroughs in machine learning (ML) and advances in quantum computing (QC) drive the interdisciplinary field of quantum machine learning to new levels. However, due to the susceptibility of ML models to adversarial attacks, practical use raises safety-critical concerns. Existing Randomized Smoothing (RS) certification methods for classical machine learning models are computationally intensive. In this paper, we propose the combination of QC and the concept of discrete randomized smoothing to speed up the stochastic certification of ML models for discrete data. We show how to encode all the perturbations of the input binary data in superposition…
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Medical SAM 2: Segment medical images as video via Segment Anything Model 2

Medical SAM 2: Segment medical images as video via Segment Anything Model 2

arXiv:2408.00874v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we introduce Medical SAM 2 (MedSAM-2), an advanced segmentation model that utilizes the SAM 2 framework to address both 2D and 3D medical image segmentation tasks. By adopting the philosophy of taking medical images as videos, MedSAM-2 not only applies to 3D medical images but also unlocks new One-prompt Segmentation capability. That allows users to provide a prompt for just one or a specific image targeting an object, after which the model can autonomously segment the same type of object in all subsequent images, regardless of temporal relationships between the images. We…
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Fairness in Large Language Models in Three Hour

Fairness in Large Language Models in Three Hour

arXiv:2408.00992v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success across various domains but often lack fairness considerations, potentially leading to discriminatory outcomes against marginalized populations. Unlike fairness in traditional machine learning, fairness in LLMs involves unique backgrounds, taxonomies, and fulfillment techniques. This tutorial provides a systematic overview of recent advances in the literature concerning fair LLMs, beginning with real-world case studies to introduce LLMs, followed by an analysis of bias causes therein. The concept of fairness in LLMs is then explored, summarizing the strategies for evaluating bias and the algorithms designed to promote fairness. Additionally, resources…
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About Columnar storage in Manticore Search

About Columnar storage in Manticore Search

Introduction In this article, we will examine the purpose of Manticore Columnar storage, how it differs from the row-wise storage, and in which cases it makes sense to use it. We will also get acquainted with the basic structure of the storage format and the specifics of its integration into the query processing workflow of the search daemon. Default Attribute storage (row-wise) In Manticore, there are two distinct entities: full-text fields, which support only full-text queries, and attributes of various types, which can be used for grouping, sorting, and filtering. Default storage engine (engine="rowwise") stores all attributes of all documents…
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