Stocks AI by Pharmaalabs

Stocks AI by Pharmaalabs

This is a submission for the Challenge: Full-Stack Agent (See Details)

What I Built

Team Name – Pharmaalabs
App Name – Stocks AI

We have built 2 Agents

  1. Would take the name, web scrape and fetch the accurate URL for that stock
  2. This Agent would take the URL do the complete fundamental analysis and give the advise to BUY/SELL/HOLD that stock

We have added memory to this Agent where it could recall the past conversation for the day and give the reason on its Analysis

We have seen Friends and Family give their advise on a particular stock and then the stock plunges and there are many cases where people have made huge losses

Leading to bad relationships.

Why did this happen ?

  1. FOMO
  2. GREED
  3. *No knowledge on the fundamental of the stock !

There are even telegram channels which gives stock recommendations !

To have a expert and sure advise, We have Stocks AI which would recommend whether the user should buy that stock or not.


Stock analyser – First Agent
Stock Advisor – Second Agent


DEMO LINK Experience

Experience in using the LLM, Creating Agents is super easy without any code, Feature like Web-hook and email are amazing

Feedback – The agents are very slow in responding even for the basic needs.

  1. High Latency
  2. More Development time for custom use case
  3. Have our own API keys for LLM can help reducing the response time.

Member to Publish – neelkanani

Dev usernames –

  1. ashishc0046
  2. mtsurve
  3. jitu
  4. neelkanani

Source link

By stp2y

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