We recently introduced DBRX: an open, state-of-the-art, general-purpose LLM. DBRX was trained, fine-tuned, and evaluated using Mosaic AI Training, scaling training to 3072 NVIDIA H100s and processing more than 12 trillion tokens in the process.Training LLMs, and in particular MoE models such as DBRX, is hard. It requires overcoming many infrastructure, performance, and scientific challenges. Mosaic AI Training was purposely built to address these challenges and was battle-tested through the training of DBRX, the MPT series of models, and many other LLMs such as Ola’s Krutrim, AI2’s OLMo, Dynamo AI’s Dynamo 8B, Refuel’s LLM-2, and others.Figure 1: Yet another insightful…