
Implementasi Metode Standard Symmetric Encryption Signature pada Golang

Implementasi Metode Standard Symmetric Encryption Signature pada Golang

Apa Itu Metode Standard Symmetric Encryption Signature? Jadi, gini, metode ini adalah cara untuk mengenkripsi data biar aman dan nggak bisa dibaca sama orang yang nggak punya kunci dekripsinya. Bayangin aja temen-temen punya diary yang temen-temen kunci pake gembok. Hanya orang yang punya kuncinya yang bisa buka dan baca diary temen-temen. Symmetric Encryption Symmetric encryption ini kayak temen-temen dan temennya temen-temen eh ini apa si wkwkwk intinya gitu, punya satu kunci yang sama buat buka gembok. Kunci ini dipake buat enkripsi (mengunci) dan dekripsi (membuka) data. Jadi, baik temen-temen maupun temennya temen-temen bisa mengunci dan membuka data yang sama asalkan…
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Fundamental Parts of a Successful SEO Plan in Digital Marketing

Fundamental Parts of a Successful SEO Plan in Digital Marketing

In today's competitive world of digital marketing, a winning SEO strategy isn't just about getting high rankings and lots of traffic. It's about reaching the right audience and driving real business results. So, what are the key ingredients for creating a successful SEO strategy? In-depth Keyword Research: Understanding the search terms used by your target audience is crucial. Utilize tools like SEO AI to identify high-traffic and relevant keywords. SEO AI excels in advanced algorithmic analysis and AI support, helping optimize keyword selection and webpage content structure. Creating High-Quality Content: Search engines increasingly prioritize content quality and relevance. Providing valuable…
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How to Build a MySQL Admin Panel (Fast & Easy)

How to Build a MySQL Admin Panel (Fast & Easy)

How to Build a MySQL Admin Panel (4 Easy Steps) In this guide, we will walk you through the four steps required to build a MySQL admin panel: Creating a New Application with Five: Get started by setting up a new application in the Five environment. Setting Up a MySQL Database: Design and create tables and fields for your MySQL database, defining both data and display types. Developing Forms: Build user-friendly forms to enable CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on your MySQL database. Deploying the Application: Easily launch your admin panel to the cloud. By following these steps, you'll…
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Server side (vulnerability scanning)

Server side (vulnerability scanning)

Ethical HackingVisit the github project: Tools Skipfish Owasp Disrbuster Webslayer Nmap Nessus The first scanner we will use Nmap to see the services running, launch nmap. nmap -sV Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode output Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2024-07-04 22:50 WAT Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.28s latency). Not shown: 997 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp? 80/tcp open http awex 443/tcp open ssl/https awex 2 services unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprints at : Enter fullscreen mode Exit…
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Introduction to Functional Programming in JavaScript: Closure #2

Introduction to Functional Programming in JavaScript: Closure #2

Closures are a fundamental concept in JavaScript that every developer should understand. They play a crucial role in functional programming and are essential for creating more advanced functionality in JavaScript applications. What is a Closure? A closure is a function that has access to its own scope, the scope of the outer function, and the global scope. This means that a closure can access variables and parameters from its own function scope, the scope of the function that contains it, and any global variables. In other words, a closure allows a function to "remember" the environment in which it was…
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HTML Forms- In details

HTML Forms- In details

Forms are essential components in HTML, allowing users to submit data to a server. This guide will explore the creation and handling of HTML forms, providing examples and best practices. 1. Basic Form Structure A basic HTML form is created using the <form> element. Within the form, various input elements like text fields, radio buttons, and submit buttons are used to collect user data. Example: Basic Form <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Basic Form Example</title> </head> <body> <h1>Basic HTML Form</h1> <form action="/submit" method="post"> <label for="name">Name:</label> <input type="text" id="name" name="name"><br><br> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="email" name="email"><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html>…
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Wildcard Generic Types

Wildcard Generic Types

You can use unbounded wildcards, bounded wildcards, or lower-bound wildcards to specify a range for a generic type. What are wildcard generic types and why are they needed? The code below gives an example todemonstrate the needs. The example defines a generic max method for finding the maximum in a stack of numbers (lines 15–25). The main method creates a stack of integer objects, adds three integers to the stack, and invokes the max method to find the maximum number in the stack. The program above has a compile error in line 11 because intStack is not an instance of…
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Introduction to Pact Flow

Introduction to Pact Flow

Introduction to Contract Testing Definition and importance of contract testing: Imagine that you and your friends are planning a party and each one has a task: one will bring the snacks, another the sweets, and another the drinks. To ensure that everything goes well, you make a list of what everyone should bring. "Contract testing" is like this list, but for computer programs that need to talk to each other. It checks that each part of the program is doing exactly what it promised, just like you check that each friend brought what they agreed to for the party. This…
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Innovative JavaScript Features in 2024: Enhancing Developer Experience and Codebase Quality

Innovative JavaScript Features in 2024: Enhancing Developer Experience and Codebase Quality

The JavaScript language continues to evolve, and 2024 brings some exciting new features that will improve the developer experience and codebase quality. Let's explore some of these features and how they will benefit developers. 1)** Temporal**Temporal is a proposal to introduce a new global object that replaces the existing Date object in JavaScript. This new object offers a more modern and intuitive API for working with dates, times, and time zones. With Temporal, developers can easily handle complex date and time-related tasks, ensuring accurate and reliable results. This feature will reduce the need for external libraries and minimize potential errors…
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Event-Driven Architecture: reconcile Notification and Event-Carried State Transfer patterns

Event-Driven Architecture: reconcile Notification and Event-Carried State Transfer patterns

Event-driven architectures have tremendous benefits: decoupling application components brings improved resilience, the ability to isolate non-scalable workloads from unpredictable user traffic and better user experience (returning a response before we do the complexe processing). However, their design is not easy and can lead to numerous debates among developers and architects: should we have very minimalistic events, requiring consumers to fetch additional information? do we need fully-qualified events? .. In this post, I explain the different types of events and propose a way to simply reconcile the different approaches by relying on AWS EventBridge. A Github repo with fully functional examples…
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