
Why It’s Time to Ditch PHP for Good?

Why It’s Time to Ditch PHP for Good?

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, full-stack developers are presented with a multitude of programming languages and technologies to choose from. One such language that has been widely used for web development is PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). However, in this blog post, we'll explore the reasons why some full-stack developers might consider not learning PHP and instead focus on other technologies that align better with their goals and preferences. The modern web development ecosystem offers a rich selection of programming languages and frameworks, each catering to specific needs and use cases. From JavaScript-based front-end frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js…
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#45 — Copy Each Row N Times (N Is The Cell Value of The Specified column)

#45 — Copy Each Row N Times (N Is The Cell Value of The Specified column)

Problem description & analysis:In the Excel table below, each row is a product, and the 3rd column is the quantity of the product. Task: Copy each row N times (N is the cell value of the 3rd column) and display values in the original 3rd column as empty. The expected result is as follows: Solution:Use SPL XLL to do this: =spl("=?.conj(~3 * [~]).run(~3=null)",A2:F9) Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode As shown in the picture below: Explanation:conj()function concatenates members of a sequence. run() function modifies a sequence. “Integer N* a sequence” means copying members of a sequence N times. Source link…
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AuraSR GigaGAN 4x Upscaler Local (Windows), Cloud (RunPod, Massed Compute, Kaggle) 1-Click Installers and Batch Processing App

AuraSR GigaGAN 4x Upscaler Local (Windows), Cloud (RunPod, Massed Compute, Kaggle) 1-Click Installers and Batch Processing App

AuraSR is a 600M parameter upsampler model derived from the GigaGAN paper. It works super fast and uses a very limited VRAM below 5 GB. It is deterministic upscaler. It works perfect in some images but fails in some images so it is worth to give it a shot. GitHub official repo : I have developed 1-click installers and a batch upscaler App. You can download installers and advanced batch App from below link: Check the screenshots and examples below Windows Requirements Python 3.10, FFmpeg, Cuda 11.8, C++ tools and Git If it doesn't work make sure to…
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Creating and Managing Tasks with Asyncio

Creating and Managing Tasks with Asyncio

Asyncio allows developers to write asynchronous programs in Python without hassle. The module also provides many ways asynchronous tasks and with the multitude of ways to do it, it can become confusing on which one to use. In this article, we will discuss the many ways you can create and manage tasks with asyncio. What is an asyncio task? In asyncio, a task is an object that wraps a coroutine and schedules it to run within the event loop. Simply put, a task is a way to run a coroutine concurrently with other tasks. Once a task is created, the…
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Como somar horas no Google Sheets usando critérios para filtrar linhas?

Como somar horas no Google Sheets usando critérios para filtrar linhas?

Olá, pessoal! Hoje quero compartilhar um script super útil que criei para resolver um problema comum no dia a dia. Se você já tentou somar "duração" no Google Sheets, deve ter percebido que as fórmulas SUMIF e SUMIFS não funcionam para somar durações de eventos ou produtos com base em critérios específicos. Isso pode ser um obstáculo dependendo do tipo de cálculo que você precisa fazer. Mas não se preocupe! O Google Sheets permite criar scripts em JavaScript e usá-los como fórmulas personalizadas. No meu script, criei duas variações: a primeira aceita um critério e a segunda até dois. Estou…
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#44 — Group Rows And Combine Non-Null Values in Each of The Non-Grouping Columns

#44 — Group Rows And Combine Non-Null Values in Each of The Non-Grouping Columns

Problem description & analysis: In the Excel table below, the 1st column is the category; columns from the 2nd to the 42nd are parallel columns of data items (below only shows some of the columns), where there are two types of values – X and null. Occasionally, there are duplicate values in a column under the same category. Task: Group rows and combine values in each column in each group; only display one of the duplicate values if there are any. Solution: Use SPL XLL to do this: =spl("=?.group(~1).(g=~,(r1=~1).(g.(~(r1.#)).ifn()))",A2:E11) Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode As shown in the picture…
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5 Best Practices Every Frontend Developer Should Follow

5 Best Practices Every Frontend Developer Should Follow

These days even if you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript well, you’re still in a highly competitive field. With so many frontend developers out there, the only way to stand out is by following best practices. Here are five of those that can help you stand out as a beginner: *1. Write Clean, Readable Code: * Use proper indentation, meaningful variable names, and comments to explain what your code does. *2. Keep Your CSS Organized: * Break all your styles down into smaller, modular pieces, and use naming conventions like BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) to keep your styles structured and…
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Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis.

Understanding Your Data: The Essentials of Exploratory Data Analysis.

What is EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis)? It refers to the critical process of performing initial investigations on data so as to discover patterns,to spot anomalies,to test hypothesis and to check assumptions with the help of summary statistics and graphical representations. EDA makes it easier for data scientists to find patterns, identify anomalies, test hypotheses, and verify assumptions by assisting in the best way to alter data sources to achieve the answers they require. EDA offers a better knowledge of data set variables and the interactions between them and is mainly used to examine what data might disclose beyond the formal modelling…
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Define() In Javascript: A Clear Explanation

Define() In Javascript: A Clear Explanation

Originally published on The define() keyword is a fundamental concept in JavaScript programming. It is used to define a new module, which can be imported and used in other parts of the program. The define() keyword is part of the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) API, which is used to load modules asynchronously in the browser. When a module is defined using the define() keyword, it is given a name and a list of dependencies. The dependencies are other modules that this module requires in order to function correctly. When the module is loaded, the dependencies are loaded first, and…
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Day 3: Diving into Spring Security

Day 3: Diving into Spring Security

So on the 3rd day, man i have to say this is horrific. In the morning, I learn about postgresql, diagram the database then create it with sqlshell (I thought postgresql don't have sql editor). After re-type plenty of long query line because of couple syntax error, I finally nailed it. Just to realise that it have sql editor. But everything is ok because after that I dive into spring boot. I starting to learn about Spring Security and JWT using jjwt, learning how it work, how it encode, what encode, key,... do I used. Setting up the project with…
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