
The long path of JavaScript – from ES6 until today.

The long path of JavaScript – from ES6 until today.

According to a Stack Overflow survey, JavaScript was the most popular language among developers in 2023. JavaScript was initially developed for Netscape Navigator - a web browser that was developed in the middle of 1990s - and now is being used in almost every domain of programming - Web Development, Mobile app development, Game development, Machine Learning and many others. But how did a language which was developed in 10 days by Brendan Eich become so popular? In this article, we will go through the life of JavaScript from ES6, which was released in 2015 and was the second major…
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Automatic retry function with Kotlin flows

Automatic retry function with Kotlin flows

Table of contents Short code example Why use this? My app on the Google play store Resources Programming Android with Kotlin: Achieving Structured Concurrency with Coroutines. Chapter 10 Short code example Here is the code that will allow you to make automatic retries on a flow: fun <T, R : Any> Flow<T>.mapWithRetry( action: suspend (T) -> R, predicate: suspend (R, attempt: Int) -> Boolean ) = map { data -> var attempt = 0L var shallRetry: Boolean var lastValue: R? = null do { val tr = action(data) shallRetry = predicate(tr, (++attempt).toInt()) if (!shallRetry) lastValue = tr } while (shallRetry)…
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YugabyteDB ♥️ Hashicorp Vault – Fun Times

YugabyteDB ♥️ Hashicorp Vault – Fun Times

I have been working with YugabyteDB for a while now. I am always experiment with yugbayte + (something). Today, its Vault. I have also worked on Vault for a bit and did a a lightening talk earlier this year. That talks was primarily around the data masking. But today, I was exploring the database secret engine. For the uninitiated, Vault provides you with ability to dynamically generate database credentials for your application. It does this by leveraging the simple RBAC SQLs provided by the database engine. It supports variety of databases including Postgres, and YugabyteDB by compatibility. What triggered this…
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