
Implementing Infinite Scroll with Laravel and Vue.js 3

Implementing Infinite Scroll with Laravel and Vue.js 3

Infinite scroll is a more modern alternative to traditional pagination, providing a seamless user experience. In this blog post, we’ll implement infinite scroll in a Vue.js 3 application using Laravel as the backend. Prerequisites Basic knowledge of Laravel and Vue.js 3. A Laravel project with an API to paginate data (e.g., User model). Section 1: Setting Up the Basic Vue.js 3 Component for Infinite Scroll Step 1: Create the Backend API Create a simple API in your Laravel application to return paginated data: routes/api.php use AppModelsUser; use IlluminateHttpRequest; Route::get('/users', function (Request $request) { return User::paginate(10); }); Enter fullscreen mode Exit…
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Learning API Requests with Axios: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024

Learning API Requests with Axios: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024

In today's interconnected web landscape, efficient data exchange between clients and servers is crucial. Enter Axios, a powerful JavaScript library that has revolutionized how developers handle HTTP requests. Whether you're building a sleek single-page application or a robust backend service, Axios simplifies API interactions, making your code cleaner and more maintainable. What is Axios? Axios is a promise-based HTTP client that works seamlessly in both browser and Node.js environments. It provides an intuitive API for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on web resources, supporting all standard HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, and OPTIONS. Key Features…
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JavaScript Execution Context!

JavaScript Execution Context!

In JavaScript, when a function is defined and later invoked, it creates an abstract container known as an execution context. This execution context holds several key components: the variables declared within the function, any nested functions, and the lexical environment. Together, these elements define the operational environment for the function's execution. Source link lol
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An (Im)mutable Shopping List for a Delicious Pesto Pasta

An (Im)mutable Shopping List for a Delicious Pesto Pasta

Pesto pasta is proof that G-d exists There are few things in life that give me more pleasure than a heaping helping of fresh pesto over homemade Capellini (Angel Hair). I'm a bonafide foodie - especially when it comes to Italian cuisine - and am always trying more complex recipes, but the simplicity and enjoyment of such a minimalist dish never ceases to satisfy. If I had the (mis)fortune of choosing a last meal it would be a tough decision between sushi and pesto over pasta, but I still think pesto pasta wins out in the end. All this talk…
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Why we use snake_case for variables and camelCase for functions

Why we use snake_case for variables and camelCase for functions

To be less stressed, and therefor better programmers, we have to do our best to free our code from bullshit that makes it a hard to maintain, and onboard new devs-to. We use the same name for database fields, JSON property names returned from an API, the HTML form field name attributes, and finally, the Javascript variable names that contain those database-originating values. Naming your data exactly the same in all layers of the stack frees you from having to keep a mental mapping of what is what. Discipline yourself to enforce this rule, and you will be a less…
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Unlocking the Power of React 19: Grasp the New ‘use’ API

Unlocking the Power of React 19: Grasp the New ‘use’ API

React, the beloved library that has revolutionized front-end development, is about to take another leap forward. With the upcoming release of React 19, developers are buzzing with excitement about the new 'use' API. But what exactly is this new feature, and how can it supercharge your React applications? Let's dive deep into this game-changing addition to the React ecosystem! What's the Buzz About 'use'? Imagine writing React components where fetching data is as simple as, well, using it. That's the promise of the new 'use' API. It's designed to make working with asynchronous resources feel like a breeze, right within…
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Coding Bootcamp Chronicles: Week 4 Highlights and Learnings

Coding Bootcamp Chronicles: Week 4 Highlights and Learnings

Hi there,I am Mukarram.As I entered Week 4, I went more deep into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. One of the highlights of this week was creating a memory game. It was my first real project where I got to combine HTML, CSS, and JavaScript practically. This game was to match the same colour cards and if the cards don't match colour it goes back into its original state. I learned how to manipulate the DOM and add event listeners in HTML. It was rewarding to see everything come together and work fine. This week we also had Independence Day. To…
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Google Sheets: SUMIFS para durações (horas), parte 2

Google Sheets: SUMIFS para durações (horas), parte 2

Esses dias fiz um post mostrando como criar duas fórmulas personalizadas para o Google sheets para somar horas com base em critérios (aqui). O problema delas na minha opinião é que elas não eram flexiveis. E se eu quiser N critérios? Bom, agora você pode! Agora a fórmula toma 3 conjuntos de dados: as durações, os critérios, e as instruções para filtrar. Vamos de novo a planilha de testes: Título Duração Categoria Status Curti Perdido em Marte 01:00:00 Filme Já assisti Sim Interestelar 02:49:00 Filme Já assisti Não John Wick 01:30:00 Filme Já assisti Não Vingadores: Ultimato 03:00:00 Filme Quero…
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HTML: o que é, Qual a sua importância para a web.

HTML: o que é, Qual a sua importância para a web.

Quando você entrar em sites de notícias, redes sociais, sistemas de bancos, entre outros, temos vários elementos que são disponibilizados na tela que possibilitam a interação do usuário. Mais você já parou para pensar em como tudo isto foi construído? Um dos profissionais responsáveis por construir um site é o desenvolvedor front-end, que transforma em código um layout feito pela equipe de UX/UI design utilizando o figma. Tecnicamente, a construção de um website é feita através de várias tecnologias, e uma delas é o HTML. Neste artigo, você vai conhecer o que é o HTML e para que ele serve…
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What is Functional Testing? A Comprehensive Guide

What is Functional Testing? A Comprehensive Guide

In software development, ensuring that an application works as intended is paramount. Functional testing plays a critical role in achieving this goal by verifying that each feature of the software functions correctly according to the specified requirements. This article provides an in-depth look at functional testing, its importance, types, best practices, tools, and frequently asked questions to help you understand how it contributes to delivering reliable and high-quality software.What is Functional Testing?Functional testing is a type of software testing that validates the software system against the functional requirements or specifications. The purpose of functional testing is to ensure that the…
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