Why aren’t we automatically registered to vote? With this program, we could be

Machine Learning in Auto Claims Processing

In its first year, SecureAVR added over 250,000 new voters to the state of Oregon. How many could it add to the entire country?

The process is simple – when attending appointments at the DMV, eligible citizens are automatically registered; no additional time, forms, or conversations are necessary. If uninterested, users can choose to opt out, but otherwise, registration is seamless. This way, one of the hardest parts of voting is automatically completed, leading to a more secure system, and even more participating citizens. 

Also dubbed the “Motor Voter of the 21st Century,” Secure AVR streamlines voter registration, making it effortless and inclusive. By integrating this system nationwide, millions of eligible voters could be added to the rolls, strengthening the democratic process and ensuring broader representation. 

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By stp2y

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