
34524 Posts
American parents with young children say they haven’t felt this financially insecure in nearly a decade. Here’s why.

American parents with young children say they haven’t felt this financially insecure in nearly a decade. Here’s why.

The financial well-being of American parents with young children is plummeting, highlighting how unaffordable childcare costs have become.The Federal Reserve published its annual Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking on May 21. The survey, which collected answers from 11,000 people in October 2023, examines the economic well-being of US households and potential financial risks.While the report said people's overall financial well-being was "nearly unchanged" between 2022 and 2023, some groups "continued to experience financial stress at higher rates than others." That included parents with children under 18. athima tongloom/Getty Images The percentage of parents with children under 18 who felt…
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Rapid grouping and ungrouping | Deephaven

Rapid grouping and ungrouping | Deephaven

Deephaven is commonly used to manipulate huge amounts of data — multiple tables, billions of rows, and hundreds of columns. It's built to excel in both versatility of operations and speed of execution.In this article, we'll explore how Deephaven optimizes memory usage for rapid grouping and ungrouping, and then cover how choosing the right selection method can change the execution time of operations by orders of magnitude. Finally, we'll delve into strategies you can employ to write the most efficient queries possible.Deephaven saves time automatically where possible, but it's still up to you to write efficient queries. We'll offer techniques…
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AWS DeepRacer enables builders of all skill levels to upskill and get started with machine learning | Amazon Web Services

AWS DeepRacer enables builders of all skill levels to upskill and get started with machine learning | Amazon Web Services

In today’s technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming increasingly accessible, enabling builders of all skill levels to harness their power. As more companies adopt AI solutions, there’s a growing need to upskill both technical and non-technical teams in responsibly expanding AI usage. Getting hands-on experience is crucial for understanding and applying ML concepts to automate tasks like content generation, language translation, and image classification. And that’s where AWS DeepRacer comes into play—a fun and exciting way to learn ML fundamentals. Launched in 2019, DeepRacer is a fully managed service that enables builders of all skill…
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TechScape: The people charged with making sure AI doesn’t destroy humanity have left the building

Everything happens so much. I’m in Seoul for the International AI summit, the half-year follow-up to last year’s Bletchley Park AI safety summit (the full sequel will be in Paris this autumn). While you read this, the first day of events will have just wrapped up – though, in keeping with the reduced fuss this time round, that was merely a “virtual” leaders’ meeting.When the date was set for this summit – alarmingly late in the day for, say, a journalist with two preschool children for whom four days away from home is a juggling act – it was clear…
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India to Build Chip Manufacturing Ecosystem, Talent Pool – EE Times

India to Build Chip Manufacturing Ecosystem, Talent Pool – EE Times

//php echo do_shortcode('[responsivevoice_button voice="US English Male" buttontext="Listen to Post"]') ?> India is known for its semiconductor design expertise, which has been successfully nurtured since the 1980s. However, manufacturing capability and capacity has been limited despite having built a fab as far back as 1983 in the form of Semiconductor Complex Limited (SCL), established by M.J. Zarabi, considered one of the pioneers of the current chip industry in India. The geopolitics of recent years have changed that inertia in developing the manufacturing ecosystem, and now there are several active efforts to build that capacity and resilience in the electronics and system…
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AI system can predict the structures of life’s molecules with stunning accuracy – helping to solve one of biology’s biggest problems

AI system can predict the structures of life’s molecules with stunning accuracy – helping to solve one of biology’s biggest problems

AlphaFold 3, unveiled to the world on May 9, is the latest version of an algorithm designed to predict the structures of proteins – vital molecules used by all life – from the “instruction code” in their building blocks. Predicting protein structures and the way they interact with other molecules has been one of the biggest problems in biology. Yet, AI developer Google DeepMind has gone some way to solving it in the last few years. This new version of the AI system features improved function and accuracy over its predecessors. Like the next release in a video-game franchise, structural…
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Databricks delivers enhanced data analytics and intelligence for the energy sector – SiliconANGLE

Databricks delivers enhanced data analytics and intelligence for the energy sector – SiliconANGLE

Big-data company Databricks Inc. today announced the immediate availability of a dedicated data intelligence platform for the energy industry, designed to enable customers in the energy sector to harness enormous streams of data and use them for business insights and to feed generative artificial intelligence workloads. The Databricks Data Intelligence Platform for Energy, as it’s officially known, is also geared toward confidentiality, enabling energy suppliers to use their most sensitive information without any risks around privacy, the company said. The main idea is that the offering will give energy company leaders a more holistic, real-time view of their operations, helping them…
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Data Machina #254

Data Machina #254

On the State of AI Coding Agents. “How could we start using AI to migrate years of messy, flimsy legacy code to a modern stack? ... Perhaps an AI Code Migration Agent ???” We’re doing AI chat & espresso at Level 39, One Canada Square. James -a veteran CTO with all the scars- is asking these rather funny, rhetorical questions. There is a deep silence in the room, pensive faces around. Everyone is staring through the massive windows overlooking The City skyline as the sunset strikes. We wonder in perplexity -in the very philosophical and information theory sense- whether AI…
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Quais as diferenças entre modificadores public, private, protected e abstract no Typescript?

Quais as diferenças entre modificadores public, private, protected e abstract no Typescript?

o TypeScript, os modificadores de acesso controlam a visibilidade de membros de classes, como propriedades e métodos. Eles definem quais partes do código podem acessar esses membros. Public: O modificador padrão em TypeScript.Permite que membros sejam acessados por qualquer classe, dentro ou fora da classe em que foram declarados.Exemplo: class Pessoa { public nome: string; // Propriedade pública constructor(nome: string) { this.nome = nome; } public falar(): void { console.log(`Olá, meu nome é ${this.nome}`); } } const pessoa1 = new Pessoa('João'); console.log(pessoa1.nome); // Acessando propriedade pública pessoa1.falar(); // Acessando método público Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Private: Restringe o…
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