
Securing Microservices with Spring Security: Implementing JWT

Securing Microservices with Spring Security: Implementing JWT

JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) JWT (JSON Web Token) is a method for securely transmitting information between two parties (such as a client and a server) as a JSON object. It's designed to be compact and URL-safe, making it easy to pass around in URLs, headers. Header Payload Signature HeaderThe header typically consist two parts: the type of the token (JWT) and the signing algorithm being used, such as HMAC SHA256 or RSA. {"alg":"HS256","typ":"JWT"} PayloadThis is where the actual data is stored. It can include information like the user ID, roles, expiration time, and other claims (data about the user or…
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JWT at a Glance

JWT at a Glance

Many of us heard about JWT and while JWT has become a buzzword in tech circles, it's frequently misunderstood or confused with OAuth 2.0 and OIDC, particularly among those who use it without fully grasping its intricacies. Mixing up JWT with OAuth 2.0 and OIDC is like tossing different fruits into a blender and calling it all "smoothie." It's especially messy when folks treat these tech tools like magic wands, waving them around without peeking under the hood. What is JWT? By itself is a small piece of data that contains information about someone or something. It's like a small…
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Unlocking the Power of JSON Web Tokens: Demystifying Authorization and Authentication in Node.js

Unlocking the Power of JSON Web Tokens: Demystifying Authorization and Authentication in Node.js

In the vast digital landscape of today's interconnected applications, ensuring secure access and protecting user data are of paramount importance. As developers, we need reliable tools to handle authorization and authentication effectively. Enter JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), a compact and self-contained way to securely transmit information between parties as a JSON object. In the realm of Node.js, JWTs have emerged as a popular choice for implementing authorization and authentication mechanisms. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of JWTs, exploring their inner workings and uncovering how they can bolster the security of your Node.js applications. So fasten…
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Access Tokens vs Refresh Tokens vs ID Tokens

Access Tokens vs Refresh Tokens vs ID Tokens

In modern web and mobile applications, securing communication between clients and servers is critical. Tokens play a significant role in this process, especially in authentication and authorisation mechanisms. Among these tokens, Access Tokens, Refresh Tokens, and ID Tokens are the most commonly used. This article explores their differences, purposes, and how they work together to provide secure and efficient access control. 1. Access Tokens Purpose: Access Tokens are primarily used to authorise access to protected resources or APIs. When a user logs into an application, the application requests an Access Token from an authorisation server (like OAuth 2.0). This token…
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