
Clojure is Awesome!!!

Clojure is Awesome!!!

Nothing to say, just... Clojure Is Awesome! (ns factory (:require [clojure.string :as str])) (defprotocol DeliveryService "Interface for delivery services." (calculate-cost [this distance] "Calculates the delivery cost based on the distance.") (process-delivery [this package destination] "Executes the delivery of the package to the destination.")) (defrecord AirDelivery [] DeliveryService (calculate-cost [_ distance] (* 5 distance)) (process-delivery [_ package destination] (str "Package '" package "' will be delivered via Air to " destination))) (defrecord LandDelivery [] DeliveryService (calculate-cost [_ distance] (* 2 distance)) (process-delivery [_ package destination] (str "Package '" package "' will be delivered via Land to " destination))) (defrecord SeaDelivery []…
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