
c# Best Practice: Writing Code That Humans Can Understand

c# Best Practice: Writing Code That Humans Can Understand

Introduction:Many programmers can write code that works, but good programmers write code that is easy for humans to understand. Reflect on the last time you had to maintain someone else's code. How many times have you felt the urge to throw it all away and start from scratch? Such situations arise when the code is not clean. But what does it mean for code to be clean? Clean code is easy to read, maintain, extend, and modify by any developer, not just the original author. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of clean code, share practical examples of principles…
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What is Clean Code and Why it is important

What is Clean Code and Why it is important

Writing code that only needs to be used once can be done however you want to write. But, in most cases, adhering to best practices and maintaining clean code is essential. Remember, your code will likely be read by another developer, or even yourself, at a later date. When that time comes, your code should be self-explanatory. Every variable, function, and comment should be precise, clean, and easy to understand. This approach not only facilitates easier maintenance but also promotes collaboration and efficiency within your development team. So, when someone (or you) comes back to add or modify your code,…
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