Rethinking the Sample Relations for Few-Shot Classification

AmazUtah_NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 9: A MultiChoice Question Answering System for Commonsense Defying Reasoning

arXiv:2501.13418v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: Feature quality is paramount for classification performance, particularly in few-shot scenarios. Contrastive learning, a widely adopted technique for enhancing feature quality, leverages sample relations to extract intrinsic features that capture semantic information and has achieved remarkable success in Few-Shot Learning (FSL). Nevertheless, current few-shot contrastive learning approaches often overlook the semantic similarity discrepancies at different granularities when employing the same modeling approach for different sample relations, which limits the potential of few-shot contrastive learning. In this paper, we introduce a straightforward yet effective contrastive learning approach, Multi-Grained Relation Contrastive Learning (MGRCL), as a pre-training feature learning model to boost few-shot learning by meticulously modeling sample relations at different granularities. MGRCL categorizes sample relations into three types: intra-sample relation of the same sample under different transformations, intra-class relation of homogenous samples, and inter-class relation of inhomogeneous samples. In MGRCL, we design Transformation Consistency Learning (TCL) to ensure the rigorous semantic consistency of a sample under different transformations by aligning predictions of input pairs. Furthermore, to preserve discriminative information, we employ Class Contrastive Learning (CCL) to ensure that a sample is always closer to its homogenous samples than its inhomogeneous ones, as homogenous samples share similar semantic content while inhomogeneous samples have different semantic content. Our method is assessed across four popular FSL benchmarks, showing that such a simple pre-training feature learning method surpasses a majority of leading FSL methods. Moreover, our method can be incorporated into other FSL methods as the pre-trained model and help them obtain significant performance gains.

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By stp2y

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