

Task 1:

Task 1:
Assignment – 0: static, non-static

  1. Create a class Called Theatre.
  2. Declare below global variables in it.
    2.1. String movieName
    2.2. int movie_time
  3. Add main method
  4. Inside main method, create two instances (objects),
    4.1 movie1
    4.2 movie2
  5. For instance movie1, add ‘Jailer’ as movieName and 630 as movie_time
  6. For instance movie2, add ‘Leo’ as movieName and 7 as movie_time
  7. Create and define a method as below.
    public void watch_movie()
    System.out.println(“Watching ” + movieName);
    System.out.println(“Show Time is ” +movie_time);
  8. Call above method using both the instances – movie1, movie2.
  9. Go through and record your observations.

Source Code :

public class Theatre1
String movieName;
int movieTime;

public static void main (String args[])
Theatre1 movie1 = new Theatre1();
Theatre1 movie2 = new Theatre1();
movie1.movieName = “jailer”;
movie1.movieTime = 630;
movie2.movieName = “leo”;
movie2.movieTime = 720;
public void watch_movie()
System.out.println(“watched: ” + movieName + ” showtime: ” + movieTime);


watched: jailer showtime: 630
watched: leo showtime: 720

Task 2:

return statement

  1. Create a class called EB_Reading
  2. Have main method in it.
  3. Create an object called assessor.
  4. Using assessor instance, call a method named ‘reading’.
  5. ‘reading’ method should return consumed units in int.
  6. Store the returned value as ‘consumed_units’.
  7. Using the same ‘assessor’ instance, call a method
    named as ‘calculate’.
  8. Pass ‘consumed_units’ as argument to calculate.
  9. Based on the consumed_units value, find out How much Customer should pay.
  10. Print Payment value.

Source Code:

public class EbReading
public static void main (String args[]){
EbReading assessor = new EbReading();
int Consumed units = assessor.reading();
System.out.println(“CU”+ Consumed units);
assessor.calculate(Consumed units);
public int reading()
int unit1 = 100;
return unit1;
public void calculate(int Consumed units)
int payment = Consumed units*10;
System.out.println(“Pay: ” + payment);


CU: 100
Pay: 1000

Image description

Task 3:

Add Methods in Calculator

public class Calculator

public static void main(String[] args)
Calculator calc = new Calculator();

public void add()





Source code:

public class Calculator1
int a = 10;
float b = 20.5f;
public static void main (String args[])
Calculator1 calc = new Calculator1();
public void add()
float c = a+b;
System.out.println(“Addition: “+ c);
public void sub()
float c = a-b;
System.out.println(“subtraction: “+ c);
public void mult()
float c = a*b;
System.out.println(“multiply: “+ c);
public void div()
float c = a/b;
System.out.println(“divition: “+ c);


Addition: 30.5
subtraction: -10.5
multiply: 205.0
divition: 0.4878049

Image description

Source link

By stp2y

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