View a PDF of the paper titled Learning with Shared Representations: Statistical Rates and Efficient Algorithms, by Xiaochun Niu and 3 other authors
Abstract:Collaborative learning through latent shared feature representations enables heterogeneous clients to train personalized models with enhanced performance while reducing sample complexity. Despite its empirical success and extensive research, the theoretical understanding of statistical error rates remains incomplete, even for shared representations constrained to low-dimensional linear subspaces. In this paper, we establish new upper and lower bounds on the error for learning low-dimensional linear representations shared across clients. Our results account for both statistical heterogeneity (including covariate and concept shifts) and heterogeneity in local dataset sizes, a critical aspect often overlooked in previous studies. We further extend our error bounds to more general nonlinear models, including logistic regression and one-hidden-layer ReLU neural networks.
More specifically, we design a spectral estimator that leverages independent replicas of local averaging to approximately solve the non-convex least squares problem. We derive a nearly matching minimax lower bound, proving that our estimator achieves the optimal statistical rate when the latent shared linear representation is well-represented across the entire dataset–that is, when no specific direction is disproportionately underrepresented. Our analysis reveals two distinct phases of the optimal rate: in typical cases, the rate matches the standard parameter-counting rate for the representation; however, a statistical penalty arises when the number of clients surpasses a certain threshold or the local dataset sizes fall below a threshold. These findings provide a more precise characterization of when collaboration benefits the overall system or individual clients in transfer learning and private fine-tuning.
Submission history
From: Xiaochun Niu [view email]
Sat, 7 Sep 2024 21:53:01 UTC (207 KB)
Tue, 21 Jan 2025 20:03:17 UTC (272 KB)
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