Element-wise Attention Is All You Need

AmazUtah_NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 9: A MultiChoice Question Answering System for Commonsense Defying Reasoning

arXiv:2501.05730v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: The self-attention (SA) mechanism has demonstrated superior performance across various domains, yet it suffers from substantial complexity during both training and inference. The next-generation architecture, aiming at retaining the competitive performance of SA while achieving low-cost inference and efficient long-sequence training, primarily focuses on three approaches: linear attention, linear RNNs, and state space models. Although these approaches achieve reduced complexity than SA, they all have built-in performance degradation factors, such as diminished “spikiness” and compression of historical information. In contrast to these approaches, we propose a novel element-wise attention mechanism, which uses the element-wise squared Euclidean distance, instead of the dot product operation, to compute similarity and approximates the quadratic complexity term $exp(q_{ic}k_{jc})$ with a Taylor polynomial. This design achieves remarkable efficiency: during training, the element-wise attention has a complexity of $mathcal{O}(tLD)$, making long-sequence training both computationally and memory efficient, where $L$ is the sequence length, $D$ is the feature dimension, and $t$ is the highest order of the polynomial; during inference, it can be reformulated as recurrent neural networks, achieving a inference complexity of $mathcal{O}(tD)$. Furthermore, the element-wise attention circumvents the performance degradation factors present in these approaches and achieves performance comparable to SA in both causal and non-causal forms.

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By stp2y

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