arXiv:2501.02017v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: Since the beginning of rephotography in the middle of the 19th century, techniques in registration, conservation, presentation, and sharing of rephotographs have come a long way. Here, we will present existing digital approaches to rephotography and discuss future approaches and requirements for digital mass rephotography. We present, an existing web portal for rephotography, featuring methods for collaborative rephotography, interactive image registration, as well as retrieval, organization, and sharing of rephotographs. For mass rephotography additional requirements must be met. Batches of template images and rephotographs must be handled simultaneously, image registration must be automated, and intuitive smartphone apps for rephotography must be available. Long–term storage with persistent identifiers, automatic or mass georeferencing, as well as gamification and social media integration are further requirements we will discuss in this paper.
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