Hello guys, how is the marathon going. Running in the fast paced world today, we realize that our brain is surely a powerful CPU but a weaker RAM. Taking out the fancy words, I mean that amidst very many daily tasks and to-dos, we can’t accurately remember and coordinate all, but surely, with focus on only one at a time, accomplish tasks like a expert.
I am a beginner, and after receiving loving support and advice from a number of senior developers (like you), I have ended up with a simple, beginner-friendly toolset / system for productivity, that I want to share today. To be honest, each has a different mindset, habits, likes, hates, preferences etc. but I feel this will help uplift newbies like me.
I decided to organize my information in 3 levels, according to the urgency of its need:
Level 1 : Immediate To-dos
Only store information that you are going to use at a maximum duration of tomorrow. I formerly used simple windows sticky notes, and they would be great up to the end of my career unless they had very small, hard-to-read letters, which are only customizable from general font settings of entire windows system.
I decided to stick with the desktop app of Google Keep (as I am a rising fan of Google Ecosystem). This also ensures automatic frequent backup to the cloud. I usually put information to help me start of immediately on the project the next day e.g. “style the banner on about-us page”
Level 2 : Tasks
Include information that you will be working on for the next 3 days, week or even few more weeks depending on your preference. I use Notion as it is great, especially when you will work with teams in the future. I may include information such as “Make html-css only website, max time: 12/01/2025”
Level 3 : Plan (Long Term)
Still using Notion, I set up a long term rough-copy list of what I have to learn, and keep adding to it whenever I find new technologies I need to learn, as well as which projects to make and when. This is crucial as it gives you a bird’s eye, or rather an eagle’s eye view of your progress and motivates you to push faster as you see the road ahead. As you keep completing one by one, keep transferring the current item to the “Tasks” list above.
I guess you might have noticed the toggle heading of “Routine” in the above photo. I realised that reading articles, documentation and even (sensible) social media posts is mandatory if you are succeed as a developer. I therefore drafted a timetable to follow for reading, taking out at least 30 to 45 minutes of my daily time
That’s it guys. Please do share what you think I and other beginner developers can include and exclude in this simple work plan. I never wanted to initially complicate my work with feature-rich apps. This also widened my thinking / creativity and proves to me the use of efficient, more personalized system of work
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