LAA-Net: A Physical-prior-knowledge Based Network for Robust Nighttime Depth Estimation

AmazUtah_NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 9: A MultiChoice Question Answering System for Commonsense Defying Reasoning

arXiv:2412.04666v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: Existing self-supervised monocular depth estimation (MDE) models attempt to improve nighttime performance by using GANs to transfer nighttime images into their daytime versions. However, this can introduce inconsistencies due to the complexities of real-world daytime lighting variations, which may finally lead to inaccurate estimation results. To address this issue, we leverage physical-prior-knowledge about light wavelength and light attenuation during nighttime. Specifically, our model, Light-Attenuation-Aware Network (LAA-Net), incorporates physical insights from Rayleigh scattering theory for robust nighttime depth estimation: LAA-Net is trained based on red channel values because red light preserves more information under nighttime scenarios due to its longer wavelength. Additionally, based on Beer-Lambert law, we introduce Red Channel Attenuation (RCA) loss to guide LAA-Net’s training. Experiments on the RobotCar-Night, nuScenes-Night, RobotCar-Day, and KITTI datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms SOTA models.

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By stp2y

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