twitter_table_col_definitions = {"tweet": dht.string, "clean_tweet": dht.string, "length": dht.int32, "category": dht.string, "point_x": dht.double, "point_y": dht.double}
twitter_table_writer = DynamicTableWriter(twitter_table_col_definitions)
tweet_table = twitter_table_writer.table
TERM_1 = 'good'
TERM_2 = 'news'
RADIUS_1 = 10
SHIFT_1 = -6
CENTER_1 = (SHIFT_1, 0)
X_1 = [(-RADIUS_1 + SHIFT_1) + i * 0.001 for i in range(2 * 1000 * RADIUS_1 + 1)]
Y1_UPPER = [np.sqrt(RADIUS_1 ** 2 - (i - SHIFT_1) ** 2) for i in X_1]
Y1_LOWER = [-y for y in Y1_UPPER]
RADIUS_2 = 10
SHIFT_2 = 6
CENTER_2 = (SHIFT_2, 0)
X_2 = [(-RADIUS_2 + SHIFT_2) + i * 0.001 for i in range(2 * 1000 * RADIUS_2 + 1)]
Y2_UPPER = [np.sqrt(RADIUS_2 ** 2 - (i - SHIFT_2) ** 2) for i in X_2]
Y2_LOWER = [-y for y in Y2_UPPER]
def distance(point1, point2):
return np.sqrt((point1[0] - point2[0]) ** 2 + (point1[1] - point2[1]) ** 2)
def in_circle(point, center, radius):
if distance(point, center) < radius - 0.7:
return True
return False
def out_circle(point, center, radius):
if distance(point, center) > radius + 0.7:
return True
return False
def collide(rand, points):
r = 0.4
for i in points:
if distance([rand[0], rand[1]], [i[0], i[1]]) < 2 * r:
return True
return False
def write_live_data():
The function to write twitter data to a table
response = get_tweets()
diag_points = []
for response_line in response.iter_lines():
if response_line:
json_response = json.loads(response_line)
lang = json_response["data"]["lang"]
if lang == "en":
tweet = json_response["data"]["text"]
clean_tweet = preprocess(tweet)
words = clean_tweet.split()
for word in words:
word_table_writer.write_row([word, 1])
length = len(words)
count = 0
category = ''
point_x = None
point_y = None
if TERM_1 in words:
category = 'left'
count += 1
if TERM_2 in words:
category = 'right'
count += 1
if count == 2:
category = 'middle'
if category == 'middle':
rand = [random.uniform(CENTER_1[0], CENTER_2[0]),
random.uniform(CENTER_1[1] - RADIUS_1, CENTER_2[1] + RADIUS_2)]
while (not (in_circle(rand, CENTER_1, RADIUS_1) and in_circle(rand, CENTER_2, RADIUS_2))) or collide(rand, diag_points):
rand = [random.uniform(CENTER_1[0], CENTER_2[0]), random.uniform(CENTER_1[1] - RADIUS_1, CENTER_2[1] + RADIUS_2)]
point_x = rand[0]
point_y = rand[1]
if category == 'left':
rand = [random.uniform(CENTER_1[0] - RADIUS_1, CENTER_1[0] + RADIUS_1),
random.uniform(CENTER_1[1] - RADIUS_1, CENTER_1[1] + RADIUS_1)]
while (not (in_circle(rand, CENTER_1, RADIUS_1) and out_circle(rand, CENTER_2, RADIUS_2))) or collide(rand, diag_points):
rand = [random.uniform(CENTER_1[0] - RADIUS_1, CENTER_1[0] + RADIUS_1),
random.uniform(CENTER_1[1] - RADIUS_1, CENTER_1[1] + RADIUS_1)]
point_x = rand[0]
point_y = rand[1]
if category == 'right':
rand = [random.uniform(CENTER_2[0] - RADIUS_2, CENTER_2[0] + RADIUS_2),
random.uniform(CENTER_2[1] - RADIUS_2, CENTER_2[1] + RADIUS_2)]
while (not (in_circle(rand, CENTER_2, RADIUS_2) and out_circle(rand, CENTER_1, RADIUS_1))) or collide(rand, diag_points):
rand = [random.uniform(CENTER_2[0] - RADIUS_2, CENTER_2[0] + RADIUS_2),
random.uniform(CENTER_2[1] - RADIUS_2, CENTER_2[1] + RADIUS_2)]
point_x = rand[0]
point_y = rand[1]
twitter_table_writer.write_row([tweet, clean_tweet, length, category, point_x, point_y])
thread = threading.Thread(target=write_live_data, args=[set])
venn_plot_fig = plt.figure()
venn_ax = venn_plot_fig.subplots()
venn_ax.plot(X_1, Y1_UPPER, color='k')
venn_ax.plot(X_1, Y1_LOWER, color='k')
venn_ax.plot(X_2, Y2_UPPER, color='k')
venn_ax.plot(X_2, Y2_LOWER, color='k')
venn_ax.text(SHIFT_1 - RADIUS_1 + 2, 10, TERM_1.upper(), ha='center', color='white')
venn_ax.text(SHIFT_2 + RADIUS_2 - 2, 10, TERM_2.upper(), ha='center', color='white')
venn_ax.set_title('Twitter Venn Diagram')
def animate_venn_fig(data, update):
venn_ax.plot(data["point_x"], data["point_y"], marker='o', ms=10, color='green', lw=0)
tweet_table_with_category = tweet_table.where(filters=["category in `middle`, `left`, `right`"])
venn_ani = TableAnimation(venn_plot_fig, tweet_table_with_category, animate_venn_fig)
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