[Submitted on 14 Aug 2024]
View a PDF of the paper titled Sign language recognition based on deep learning and low-cost handcrafted descriptors, by Alvaro Leandro Cavalcante Carneiro and 2 other authors
Abstract:In recent years, deep learning techniques have been used to develop sign language recognition systems, potentially serving as a communication tool for millions of hearing-impaired individuals worldwide. However, there are inherent challenges in creating such systems. Firstly, it is important to consider as many linguistic parameters as possible in gesture execution to avoid ambiguity between words. Moreover, to facilitate the real-world adoption of the created solution, it is essential to ensure that the chosen technology is realistic, avoiding expensive, intrusive, or low-mobility sensors, as well as very complex deep learning architectures that impose high computational requirements. Based on this, our work aims to propose an efficient sign language recognition system that utilizes low-cost sensors and techniques. To this end, an object detection model was trained specifically for detecting the interpreter’s face and hands, ensuring focus on the most relevant regions of the image and generating inputs with higher semantic value for the classifier. Additionally, we introduced a novel approach to obtain features representing hand location and movement by leveraging spatial information derived from centroid positions of bounding boxes, thereby enhancing sign discrimination. The results demonstrate the efficiency of our handcrafted features, increasing accuracy by 7.96% on the AUTSL dataset, while adding fewer than 700 thousand parameters and incurring less than 10 milliseconds of additional inference time. These findings highlight the potential of our technique to strike a favorable balance between computational cost and accuracy, making it a promising approach for practical sign language recognition applications.
Submission history
From: Alvaro Leandro Cavalcante Carneiro [view email]
Wed, 14 Aug 2024 00:56:51 UTC (6,670 KB)
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