arXiv:2410.15729v1 Announce Type: cross
Abstract: The Learning-to-Defer approach has been explored for classification and, more recently, regression tasks separately. Many contemporary learning tasks, however, involves both classification and regression components. In this paper, we introduce a Learning-to-Defer approach for multi-task learning that encompasses both classification and regression tasks. Our two-stage approach utilizes a rejector that defers decisions to the most accurate agent among a pre-trained joint classifier-regressor models and one or more external experts. We show that our surrogate loss is $(mathcal{H}, mathcal{F}, mathcal{R})$ and Bayes–consistent, ensuring an effective approximation of the optimal solution. Additionally, we derive learning bounds that demonstrate the benefits of employing multiple confident experts along a rich model in a two-stage learning framework. Empirical experiments conducted on electronic health record analysis tasks underscore the performance enhancements achieved through our method.
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